Rest Now

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Come now my child, put your worries to the side and let your eyes flutter closed. Life has put you through much and now is the time to relax. Allow me to pull you into the warmth of the hearth, no too close, wouldn't want you to be burned. Feel my embrace, feel the calm it brings.

Your mind rushes with all these thoughts, one after another bombarding your poor system. Let them go, let them pass, think but do not let them linger and simply rest. Let not the stress of the days become what controls you, let those slip away and feel your heart slow to a calm steady beat.

Feel your body start to curl and become one with my presence, a protector here to guide you. Fear not the dark and let its embrace show the shining stars that come with the nights. Allow the moon to be your guide into the realm of dreams and fantasy, where the limits of imagination are only the beginning.

Let the busyness of the world fall away from your ears as you let in the soft sounds of music. What's that you hear but your favorite song, hum with it and alow yourself to drift into its flowing sound waves. The world melts around you as you follow these sounds and all that is left is your own void.

A place where you feel that perfect warmth of an embrace wrap around your body as you drift around weightless, less than a feather, less than air, less than an atom. Feel the weight disperse around you as the goosebumps form on your arms and legs sending shivers down your spine through your legs and down to your finger tips.

This is the safest place that you could possibly be, the world has no meaning in this place. You are all that has meaning here, you are all that matters, this place will listen, this place will not judge, this place will do its best to help.

This place is not forever though, so now in this moment, feel its embrace and embrace it back, this place will be here for you to return.

Come again very soon my child.

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