The Soldier

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I can barely remember the last time I felt the touch of another human being. The armor I wear shall not be taken off until my duty is done, and even in death I shall still serve.

Only my true love has ever really known me, but I must be strong for those around me, they depend on me, there is nothing that will stop me from making sure they survive.

It is the second week of our march and the sun is blistering hot, there were countless times I have nearly fallen over from the heat and dehydration, I lend the water to my fellow soldiers so they may carry on and serve as well as I have.

We approach the gates, the ballistas aiming directly at our formations. I give the signal and everyone scatters around the castle getting as close as we can until the ballistas can no longer hit us.

I am on my own in front of the gate and I shout "Nothing is going to prevent us from tearing these walls down and freeing the people oppressed by your rule for so long! You're an evil ruler deserving nothing but the taste of my steel!" As I pull my claymore from my back I can feel my muscles scream in pain, but my duty is not over.

I walk up to the gates and run my gauntlet along the bars, signaling that there's no escape. I simply sit at the gate and I shall await their response, either the king surrenders, or the people shall revolt. Either way, we shall be there to support the people, as is the way of the people's army.

After hours of waiting, my muscles have thanked me for the rest and the rest of the soldiers have taken up a kneeling position. During the sunset, they have finally chosen to face us.

The mighty king backlit by the sun, crown atop their head and robes fluttering in the wind, no doubt bought with the people's money. I stand and face them, towering over them I speak "Open the gates."
"I'm afraid I cannot do that."
"You will open these gates, or I will open them for you."
"I see, well then, I will be waiting."

They walk away, their robe flowing in the wind. My hatred flared in that moment, it flowed through every fiber of my being. I grabbed onto bottom of the gate and I lifted. I lifted as hard as I could and I felt it budge from the earth, as it moved slowly up and the soldiers gathered around, climbing under and begging the rampage.

I was able to get the gate slightly above my knees with the help of other soldiers. After a few minutes the gate was raised and allowed the rest of us to flood into the town. Claymore in hand I march directly to the city center.

The city guards themselves were no match, those that tried to fight were quickly dispatched, though some were better than others and we did have a couple casualties. Most were smart and surrendered and we allowed them to live. Two guards stood at the entrance to the throne room.

Their armor was cheap and flashy, they were meant to intimidate, not eliminate. Their armor dented with the slightest hit of my sword, no doubt to line the pockets of the king. Nothing infuriates me more than the rich making the lives of the poor even more miserable. With the rage flowing through my veins there was nothing that would stop me from ending the life of this king.

With the guards dispatched, I ripped open the doors of the throne room and there they were. I point at them with my sword and shout "You are a false king, nothing is worse than making your people suffer! On your knees, I am your executioner on this day!"

With a blank look on their face the step down from their throne, backlit by the setting sun. I see them place their crown on the throne and step to the floor. As they kneel I see they have accepted their fate.

As I raise my sword I say "If there is a god you believe in I'd suggest you pray to them so they will accept you." My sword I brought down onto their neck, blood pouring. I have done with many times before, the sight is common to me. The blood pouring from the neck and dripping from my blade as I wipe it off.

The sun has set and rage has been quelled, I take a moment and I actually see what I have done. The throne, is not but a chair, the crown sitting atop the chair made of cheap metals, bent and rusted. The flags that adorn the walls are ripped, the drapes have been taken by the moths. The walls of stone are chipped and cracked, seemingly about to collapse at any moment.

I see the king now the robes and tattered and dirty, tunic matted with dirt and mud. I see their hands calloused and rough. I am stunned by my own actions. I walk outside and I see the town, it is quite nice, the houses are sturdy and the people appear to be hungry but they are well clothed and washed.

The paths of the town lined with stone and adorned with flowers, how could I have not seen this before. I feel as though I am a monster, having been blinded by what I once thought was justice. I turn to my soldiers and I say "We have made a mistake, I have made a mistake. We should not have interfered with these people's lives."

I face the crowd of people that have been evacuated from the city and throw my sword to the side, I take off my helmet, and take a knee. "I have slain your king and I feel nothing but regret. My actions are those of an uninformed fool, and if I must I will dedicate my life to supporting this city."

A woman steps up to me holding her child. "You're actions have killed one of the most selfless kings all because of some misinformation of our situation. You are but scum and it is too late for you." She spits on my face and walks back to the crowd.

A man steps up next "You have committed one of the worst murders you could have. I would be honorable to let you live and simply suffer on your own, but you deserve nothing but torture and death." He picked up my sword and places it next to my neck.

"Strip of your armor." I do just that and strip of my armor, piling it to the side, my tunic showing the stains of dirt, mud, sweat, and blood from the years of service. Those stains meant nothing to these people for I had committed an unforgivable sin.

I go back to kneeling and the man plunges my sword through my thigh pinning my leg to the ground. "Now you will stay here until your death. If there is a god you believe in then I suggest you pray to them."

The crowd of people then walk past, some punching me, some slapping me, others had small daggers and left cuts across my face and body. I was covered in blood and bruises now, a proper torment for this sin and the possible countless others that I have committed.

There will come a soldier who carries a mighty sword he will tear your city down oh lei-oh lai-oh lord
-The Oh Hellos

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