A Romance

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They were moving so gracefully. The lights flashing and the bass practically shaking the building, glow sticks flashing in my face and outlining everyone around me; but that night I only had eyes for them.

Never had I seen such a beautiful shade of green, their eyes shining in the lights, the brightest ever. I must've looked like a fucking idiot, standing there and staring as the people danced around me. I build up the courage to go over and talk to them, and it immediately fades away as I remember that rejection is a thing.

I head back to the bar, and order a Hades, quick and easy confidence booster for me, never fails. And as I'm drinking it quickly to head back I see that green. They're at the bar ordering a Persephone's Kiss, gods do they like it sweet if they drink that.

They turn to me and say "Hey there stranger, couldn't help but notice you staring a bit, not that I'm complaining." their laugh just as pretty as their eyes. I try and say "Well I can't help but stare at the beautiful gem among the rough." but all I'm able to do is open my mouth without saying anything. At this point I consider myself fucked, so absolutely fucked cause I just blew any chance I had with them. BUT FOR SOME REASON.

"Hey you wanna dance with me?" As they take another sip of their drink. Thankfully I'm able to actually stutter something out. It was all gibberish but they got it and grabbed my hand, pulling me out to the dance floor. NIGHT DANCER by imase, damn good dance song, well played dj.

I take a look in their eyes one more time, I feel the beat pulsing through my body, and I move. I danced like no one was watching that night, I had fun like never before, even with all these people around me I was able to have fun and dance to my hearts content.

A few hours have gone by, it's two in the morning, I decide to head home, I'm not entirely drunk, but definitely not risking it, I'll take the bus thank you very much. Last time I got pulled over I got lucky, thank the gods for the cop understanding I was a new driver.

Ah the back of the bus my old friend, quiet, chairs are less worn out, and no one pays you much attention, perfect place to rest my eyes a little. Until they sit next to me. "Hey there stranger." Their voice rings like a symphony in my ears as I'm suddenly awake and looking beside me, those green eyes glittering like emeralds. "Oh, hey there." I reply like it was nothing, why the hell am I able to talk now. "Oh wow, you can speak" they laugh and it's the same as before, pretty "so do you wait until the second time you meet people to talk or am I just special?"
"Um uh n-no  it's just I um you're ah. . . sorry."
"What for?"
"You're just to pretty, I'm a fuckin mess."

Their face went red, I guess they weren't entirely expecting that from the bumbling idiot they met at an underground rave.
"Well I appreciate the compliment, I don't think I caught your name."
"Oh that's not really important."
"Well Mr not-really-important, my name is V."
"What's that short for?"
"Wouldn't you like to know."
Well I guess that's fair, truth be told I never quite liked my name.
"Well I guess you can call me Kay."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Kay."
I was then given a kiss on the cheek and immediately felt as hot as the sun.
V started laughing again and asked "Hey where do you live?"
"Over on the east side, why?"
"Well would you mind if I stay over, I kinda didn't mean to get on this bus, I'm over near downtown."
"Oh um sure, I wasn't really expecting company but you're welcome to stay."
"Hey I have a question."
"Hit me."
I am then given a playful smack on the head and they ask "Why are you so trusting?"
"You just let me come over seemingly without a second thought, what if I'm a murderer?"
"Well what if I'm a murderer?"
I whispered quietly to myself "Truth be told you're really hot, I'd love to have you spend the night, and I could maybe get you to fall for me."
Apparently I'm terrible at talking to myself. "Oh my gods you're so cute!" As I'm pulled into a hug "I appreciate it, and trust me, you've already wooed me with you being so cute."

Once we got to our stop my apartment was just a couple blocks away and we had no problem getting there, except for my legs nearly giving out over the fact that I have one of the hottest people in the world hanging onto my waist. Nothing could stop my face from burning like it was on fire.

Once we got inside I was thankful to see everything in its place, tv still on its stand, couch still looking mighty comfy, cat perched on her tree, perfect. V immediately takes off their shoes and rushes over to the cat, sniffing their hand she determines that V is acceptable and rubs her face all over their hand. "Her name is Tia." I say while undoing my shirt and heading to the bedroom. From behind the closed door I hear "Tia you are the cutest, THE CUTEST!" How the hell was I so damn lucky to get someone like this back to my apartment, they seemed perfect.

I could feel the call of hypnos overtaking me so I take off the rest of my clothes and head into my bed. V soon comes in as I'm getting under and says "Hey, where am I sleeping?"
Part of me wants to say out on the couch, the cowardly part of me, but I think I'm finally ready "In here with me if you'd like." Immediately they start taking off their clothes and they join my in my bed. They have tan lines and a body the gods would envy. As they climb under they signal me to turn onto my side and I do so. I feel their chest pressed against my back, their leg wraps over mine and their arms wrap around me.

Fuck this is nice is all I can think as I'm laying there being beckoned to the realm of sleep. I feel a kiss on my ear and V's warm breath as they say "Sweet dreams little one." I feel my heart skip a few beats, hell it practically flat lined. It was so warm and safe in their arms, and fuck was it hot. Soon after sleep overtook me and I have never slept better in my life.

In the morning V wasn't wrapped around me, I checked the time and it was around noon. They must have left, one night stand thing, how dumb I was thinking they'd stay. And as I turn over I see V laying with their back to me, must have moved in their sleep. I take my opportunity to come up behind them and wrap around them as they did me. They woke up a few minutes later and I kissed their ear and whispered "Good morning little one."
"Hey that's my line." They say as they turn over to face me.

Their eyes just as beautiful as the night before, shining emeralds. They have a bright smile on their face, which turns to a smirk as they lunge forward and pin me to the bed, restraining my arms and legs. "So, do you being everyone you meet at a rave home or am I lucky?" With the covers off and the morning light shining through the window I could now fully see their body, fuck, is all I thought as I just stared. "With that reaction I'm probably one of the first." Their words snap me out of a trance, staring at their tanned body and unable to stop what happened next.

V started to examine my body as well, being able to see everything with the covers off and in the morning light. I'll admit I'm not the most in shape but I've got it where it counts, been working those thighs. But that's not what V noticed "Well well well, looks like you've gotten a little excited." As I look to where they are I suddenly feel it. V moves their head down to my ear and whispers "Anything you'd like me to do?" Unable to speak I simply nod my head, and nothing could have prepared me for what happened next.

It felt as if Eros himself had struck me with an arrow every time V made a move. The world of pleasure that V introduced me to was intoxicating, and it wasn't long before I climaxed, again, and again, and again. V was a magician, using every trick they knew. My eyes flutter as I catch my breath, it's now two in the afternoon and V fall onto their back "Fuck, I've never done that with anyone, it felt amazing. I have no doubt you we're having fun too."
"No shit Sherlock, now I'm gonna have change the sheets."
"You're welcome."

I get up, finding it a tad difficult to walk. I'm able to make it to the kitchen, while V rests I decide to make some "breakfast" for us, crepes are probably a safe choice. Even after being fucked into oblivion I'm still able to make some bomb crepes.

As V comes out, still without clothes, they see the plate and say "Well well well how'd you know my favorite?"
"I just figured you had a sweet tooth."
"Well of course I do if I'm gonna be dating you I'm gonna need an even bigger sweet tooth."
"I-I'm sorry did you say dating me?"
"Well yeah, you my friend, are a keeper and a half. Now give me one of those."

I slide the plate over to them and they dig in. I'm still stunned they decided to date me. Hell I'm still stunned they decided to marry me. Life is tough but that day made everything worth it.

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