There was before you, and it was dark.

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There was before you, and it was dark.

A fair face with a growing smile and splashed freckles around her nose. Long brown hair that bounced as she ran through the forest. Then there was her laughter. It was angelical. Her long dress brushed the grass as her bare feet struck the ground. Then there were her eyes. Fierce, almost intoxicating. And her voice, his name on her lips.

"Jasper..." her lips would murmur. Or "Major Whitlock." With a soft, teasing smile.


The vision came as many others did, quickly and unexpectedly.

"What is it?" He asked her. "What did you see?" When she came back to herself her eyes met those soft understanding ones of Carlisle.

"We need to move back to Forks." That was all she offered. Carlisle sighed calmly. He knew How Alice feared the change of her visions, it could very well lead to chaos and destruction. He thought about it profoundly and paced.

"We'll head there next, Alice." He stated, standing from his chair. The others still stared at her, Edward was the only one who spoke.

"Who was she?" He asked curiously. Alice's eyes met his, Edward read her mind swiftly, out of habit mostly.

His mate.

Edward stiffened, his arms crossed over his chest. Mates were rare in today's society, even more, if they were still human. It was dangerous, that was the first thing he thought. Jasper had to control himself around her if they met, and that may bring trouble. "When do you think?" He asked again, his tone wavering but demanding, Alice only shrugged.

"Twelve years away?" She estimated, hesitantly, "Maybe less" she corrected. Edward was tense, he had never had a mate, not the way Carlisle or his brothers did. Now Jasper had the chance of finding his. He thought he should feel happy for him, after all, it is very complicated to find one's mate, it usually takes decades, thousands of years, and reincarnations, until the right person comes along at the right time. Still, something boiled in his body, and he couldn't quite place what it was.

A tall blonde-haired man entered the room then, fast as light, took a seat on one of the chairs along with a pale woman with similar golden hair. Jasper was hit with the wave of jealousy that flowed from Edward. His brows furrowed together in confusion and he did his best to ease his feelings. Edward felt his brother, and he could only struggle a smile and cross his arms over his chest.

"What did we miss?" The girl asked, her mate already wrapping his arms around her. Jasper yearned for what his sister and Emmet had, that unbreakable bond of joy and care. Rosalie had been through so much already when she fell in love with a mortal. Jasper had warned her about him and told her that he wasn't a kind man. It wasn't too much use, he found her then, lying in an alleyway, presumed dead. It took her weeks to start talking again, but when she did, she only plotted revenge. Then the venom in her mind was swept away when she was hunting in the mountains and found a man on the verge of his death. A lumberjack from the north had been attacked by a bear. That's how she met Emmet, her mate. asper couldn't help but smile at the memory, she deserved the happiness she felt.

"Well be moving back to Forks in a few years," Carlisle stated.

The family sat in silence for a few moments, It wasn't unusual for them to move back and forth when too many years had gone by and people could begin to get suspicious. So they said nothing, but something in Jasper's chest tightened quickly a spark. It all happened in a blink, but for a brief moment, he almost felt alive again.


It had been a couple of years since Bella stopped visiting during the summers. Margaret knew it pained her father, even if he didn't mention it. She had tried everything to contact her, letters, postcards, emails, texts, calls, and even tried to follow her on social media, but to no result. It upset her gravely, how could she have just cut the connection that way?

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