Getting used to change

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Margaret had never wanted to disappear before, but the awkward tension that clung to the air was pushing her to the limit. Charlie had desperately been trying to make small talk to break the tension, but Bella would only answer with short monotonic responses. To Maggie's relief, they were close to reaching Forks now, when they passed the welcome sign she saw her sister flinch at it, she knew what she had despised from it: population 3,120. Isabella had grown so used to the big city life that she seemed to dislike the small simple ways of the countryside. It still didn't make sense to Margaret why she had decided to move here, where the cloudy days, constant rain, and cold sucked her life out of her.

"Your hair is longer..." Charlie noted, trying, once again, to get Isabella to talk to him.

"I cut it since I last came." She replied, lifting her hair to inspect its ends. Her father's eyes looked desperate and tired when they met hers in the car's mirror.

"It must've grown back." He muttered to himself. In an attempt to soothe things, Margaret straightened and cleared her throat.

"I decorated your room," Her voice mirrored cheerful bliss, and she hoped her father would not notice her facade. "Picked the bedsheets and everything." After not getting a reply Margaret tried harder. "You liked purple, right?" Maggie had gone to buy her bedclothes specifically in purple at her request, so she hoped that at least she would get some kind of acknowledgment from her sister, of course, she didn't expect her to be thankful for it, but a simple response would do.

"Purple's nice," Bella replied dryly. It was well enough, that was all she could manage at the moment. Deep inside her, she hoped that maybe when school started she would open up more.

In their driveway, Billy Black's car was pulling up just as they did. Margaret got out of the car and caught the look Paul was sending her. Jacob ran to her and hugged her close.

"Hey, Maggs!" Jacob's long hair danced with hers as he twirled her off the floor. "Hi, Bella. Oh- Uh- I'm Jacob, we used to make mud pies together when we were little..." Isabella had come out of the car after seeing the commotion and stared at the boys with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Yes, and he tried to eat one once!" Margaret laughed, remembering the good times when they were kids and Bella's temper had been manageable.

"And when he got sick, Maggs baked him a real pie." Paul had stepped up to them, his face stern, but his eyes lowered apologetically.

"Yeah, I remember." She said quickly, though Margaret doubted she did. Charlie and Billy were joking and laughing behind them. Billy Black was chasing after their father threatening to run over him with his wheelchair. "Are they always like this?" Bella asked in embarrassment.

"It gets worse with age," Margaret replied laughing. To that Charlie walked back to them, his hands perched on his hips and a soft smile on his face.

"So what do you think?" He asked his daughter, a nervous smile tugging at his lips as he awaited his daughter's reaction.

"About what?" Bella asked, confusion visible on her face, and eyebrows furrowed together.

"Your homecoming present." Charlie replied, clapping his hand on the red truck. Bella's first instinct was to gasp and run towards it, excited shrieks flowing out of her.

"Are you serious?!" She yelped, opening the door and slamming it again against Maggie's already bruised knee. The girl muffled a hiss and got out of the way, hoping nobody had seen it, so that this moment could last as long as possible. "Wow! Ugh please Fiona let me drive it to school first!" Bella whined, her head poked out of the truck's window. It took some time for everyone to understand she was talking to her sister, Maggie looked up startled when she realized that Bella was talking to her. She had to start calling her Maggie again, or else she wouldn't recognize her calling her at all.

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