I have waited a thousand years for you.

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There are several situations that make a girl uncomfortable. Old guys staring at you in bars, random catcalling on the streets, but on the top of the list was the feeling of being followed.

As Margaret made her way towards her car, she held her car keys tightly between her knuckles. It was during moments like this that she regretted not taking the pepper spray her father so much insisted her on having. The people behind her crept closer, and she felt it in her bones.

"Wanna beer?" They weren't close enough for her to smell the reek of alcohol that must've been leaking from their mouths as they spoke. At first she wasn't too afraid, everyone gets paranoid once in a while, so she decided to keep walking away. From all the times she had hoped Jasper was with her, this was the one she hoped most he would appear.

She wasn't strong enough to take them out, but at least she could put up a fight and try not to get assaulted. Her feet began taking bigger strides, slowly, her hand reached in for her phone and as her trembling fingers called hovered over the keyboard. Her first instinct was to call her dad, but what could he do? He would be working right now, and with the recent 'animal attacks' he would certainly be swamped. So she hesitated for a second, not knowing what to do.Then her mind immediately begged for Jasper to find her.

"Hey gorgeous, we're talking to you." Inside her mind she could only hold on tight to that bond she barely understood. Every day, each feeling added up to that tense bond, like little threads add up together to create a rope to which she held to with all her might. It may have been the fear, but she barely registered how the frat boys inched closer and closer.

One of the guy's hands reached for her shoulder. It was such a sudden move it startled her. With such fear pumping through her veins, fueling her adrenaline, she took advantage of the boldness she was being provided, and as she was being forced to turn towards the group of guys she lunged at the one she had in front. Her hand threw a punch with all her body strength, the keys that she had been pressing against her knuckles tugged in to the skin on the guy's cheek.

Just as quickly as her confidence had come to her it faded. The guys just blurred together as some held her arms and others inched closer. Now she could smell the alcohol reeking from their mouths, she felt their hands everywhere and dreaded every second. Margaret scram, she fought and struggled, clawing her hands at the guys faces, sometimes connecting with skin, others with fabric. Her eyes were closed shut as she kept kicking and hitting everything in her path.

From the distance a car screeches up to them, the tires fuming as it drifts from a sudden curve. Jasper's anger was fueling the darkest side inside of him, and as much as he had tried to control it before he couldn't deny how good it would feel to rip out those guys' necks. He had sensed so much distress through the bond, and his anger and fear kept piling up until The Major finally took over him, and he didn't put up a fight. He left the car in the middle of the parking site, closing the door shut with a loud slam that made some of the frat guys look up to him. He wanted to rip out their hands and make them eat them. That was the thing with humans, they were so fragile, so easy to hurt, to manipulate them.

"Get in." Margaret opened her eyes, she knew the voice, but it was darker, huskier. There was demand in his voice, and just as the words left his mouth the frat boys stepped back. She ran past them, her head bowed down. Even with Jasper in this state she couldn't help but be glad he was here. Margaret slowed down as she got to his side, he was different, even the way he held himself felt different. He held her close, his arm thrown over her shoulder, his eyes focused on the guys. "Get in, Margaret." It was softer this time, but still harsh. She looked up at him, feeling too good in his arms.

"Don't kill them, Jazz." He still wouldn't let them out of his sight, they had baffled expression son their face, probably too drunk to function.

"That was a very dangerous maneuver." One of the guys noted, pointing at Jasper, a beer can still clutched in his hand. Jasper barely payed attention to him, his eyes remained on them though.

"I wont." Margaret knew what that meant, he wouldn't kill them just because she asked, but he wouldn't promise not to hurt them. She thought she should feel bad, Jasper was, probably, about to snap those guys' bones, yet she could only feel this thing inside of her boiling, bubbling. From inside of the car she saw Jasper slowly approach the group of boys.

"Hey man, we were just trying to have some fun." Jasper's mouth quirked into a soft grin. The frat boys backed up a little more.

Jasper was too fast for them, too strong. He made them feel scared, their emotions were all over the place, and he used it to his advantage. One of the guys got his arm broken, for another one it was an ankle. They didn't even stand a chance.

Margaret was feeling so many things at that moment. She had always hated violence, but she wasn't against what was happening, what was wrong with her? Before she met Jasper she would've never allowed for this to happen, least of all look at it, feel the way she did just by seeing Jasper launch his fists at the frat boys. Then again, she felt so warm inside, he was fighting for her.

The boys ended up backing away and Jasper walked back to the car, his head firmly set, his eyes never finding hers. Not even when he closed the door did he look at her, his hands firmly clasped on the steering wheel. He wasn't fully in control when Margaret's feelings hit him like a wave, and all his anger was melted into thirst. He wanted her, he wanted to have her right that moment, he wanted the mating bond to settle and have her feel the same thirst he felt. For a second there was silence, and Jasper tried to collect himself

"Jazz." The city held its breath, only their words were heard. In this silence even her deepest thoughts could be heard. Jasper looked at her through his charcoal eyes. Her hands slid towards his neck, intertwining her fingers with his hair. Margaret's eyes never left his.

"Margaret, don't." Under normal circumstances she would've stopped, but noticing his jaw clench, and his words rolling out of his throat like a soft growl made her ignore him. "I'm a monster." Her lips took his, barely registering what he had said, but that barely mattered, because he kissed her back with a ferocity she had never felt on his part. She got goosebumps at back of her neck with the feeling of his hand closing in a fistful of her hair. With her eyes rolling back and his hand lightly pulling on her hair, she saw the car's ceiling. The moans that escaped her mouth only served to increase his eagerness for more, his tongue travelled from inside her mouth with soft biting kisses to her jawline, then her neck.

"I love you Jasper." He trailed her skin with his teeth. Her ragged and shaky breaths emerged from her mouth shamelessly now. Over the course of their action she shifted from the car seat and wrapped her legs around Jasper's.

"If you keep this up I wont be able to control myself." His husky tone rang in her ears.

"Is that so bad?" His forehead rested against hers, and they shared a few breaths.

"No," There was a pause that made her think for a brief second that she would get her way. "But I do enjoy the teasing." All seriousness faded away and they giggled.

The air between them lightened as laughter bubbled up, breaking the tension that had hung in the room moments before. She couldn't help but join in, the sound of their laughter intertwining like a melody. In that moment, all that mattered was the shared joy they found in each other's company. It was a reminder of the bond they shared, one that could weather any storm.

"If you keep this up my expectations will break through the ceiling." She replied with a playful tone, her teeth toying with her lips.

"Oh trust me, your expectations will never reach the level of pleasure I will give you." His finger gently pushed aside her messy hair, revealing her face. It was oddly lit  with a magical warmth. The bond. It flashed in Jaspers eyes too fast for Margaret to see it, but too slow for her not to notice its glimmer.

"Don't get cocky, cowboy." That accent, those words. They were like the ones he had heard a lifetime ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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