Beach, bitch

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Edward was quickly approaching Bella, not as fast as he had approached her when that van nearly killed her sister, but still, fast. There was something up with the Cullens, and she wanted in. If she had to pretend, lie and crawl her way into it she would. She continued walking normally, pretending she hand't seen him from the corner of her eye, the bright yellow school bus was just by her side when he finally reached her.

"Bella, it would be better if we weren't friends." Those words were not what she had been expecting. He couldn't just step away from her life, not now that she was so close to figuring out whatever made this family so secretive, so weird. So popular. The Cullen's drew glances and looks wherever they went, she wanted that. She would get it, one way or another. Bella knew she had to do something about it, and she knew exactly what would drive someone like him crazy. Edward Cullen was a hopeless hero, he wanted - more than anything - to save everyone he saw was broken or in need. She had fed him the sad little image of Margaret's little sister, she just had to continue playing that role, and he would do the rest all by himself.

"Too bad you didn't figure that out earlier." Her eyes fell to her shoes, sighing deeply, her face contorted with unfelt pain and sadness. "You could have let the van crush me and saved yourself all this regret." She pushed past him, continuing her walk, her hand holding on tightly to her schoolbag."

"You think I regret saving you?" Edward broke in, just as she had expected, going after her. People like him, they crave people who seem to need help, they fall for those who depend on them. They need control.

"I know you do." Her feet had paused, both standing right by the doors of the yellow school bus, her tongue snapped on her mouth. She was getting somewhere, she could see it in his eyes.

"You don't know anything." His harshness settled within her, and she truly seemed to be stung by it, at least in his eyes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Alice - the short, energetic and very annoying, adoptive sister of Edward Cullen - appeared by Edward's side. She eyes Bella with curiosity, as f she could tell something was up with her, but couldn't quite place her finger on what.

"The bus is leaving." Her short hair didn't flinch a bit as her tiny head bounced from side to side, as she swung from her heels to her toes. Her orangey eyes set on Bella's. "Hi. Will you be riding with us?" Edward snapped back at her, his eyes glistening with something Bella could not decipher.

"No. Our bus is full." He purposefully walks Alice away. But he glances back at Bella when he reaches the doors, a foot already inside, with what Bella thought might be a hit of remorse. Good. Her plan was working.


Margaret was approaching the Cullen's table at the cafeteria, Jasper alongside her, when Eric rushed after her, stepping right in front of them. Isabella Swan kept her eyes on her sister, in her mind, she thought there must be something she did wrong. Perhaps, it was him. At least that's what she decided to believe, that her sister wasn't really in love with Jasper Hale, because love wasn't that perfect. It couldn't be.

"La Push baby! You in?" He slid along the cafeteria's floors, his sneakers squeaking along the floor, making the effect look cringey and awkward, but still, Margaret offered him a reassuring smile. That was Margaret, always supportive, always kind. Jasper had fallen in love with that girl, the gentle soul that held everyone above herself.

"Oh," Her smile fell for a second, her eyes meeting Jasper's. She knew of their agreement, Vampires were not allowed in Quileutae lands, it was werewolf territory. Jasper couldn't go. Bella, sitting at the round table with her 'friends', saw her sister's eyes flicker towards Jasper, and she tried so desperately to decline Eric's offer. That was it, Bella thought, it Wass proof enough. Her sister did not want Jasper to go with her, she did not love him. "I don't know, Eric..." Jasper smiled at her, his eyes gentle on hers.

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