Oh, no.

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By lunchtime Margaret had completely recovered from the incident at P.E. class. Having history with Jasper, in which he mainly worked through calming her down - even after she insisted he should keep his energy - had worked wonders to clear her mind. She was now walking alongside Angela, talking about the book they had been buddy-reading over the summer.

"Is she going to come here or..." Angelica asked, looking back at Isabella, awkwardly standing in the middle of the cafeteria, looking around. Trying to find someone who would fall into her trap and give her the attention she lived out of. They arrived by their table, Mike, Jessica and Angela were already sitting down, but Maggie remained standing, looking over at her sister, who, in exchange, ignored her. Eric was walking up to her, and Margaret took the chance to signal to him so that he might bring her sister over and end that dramatic scene she was causing.

"Hey, how's my homegirl?" Eric questioned sitting in between Margaret and Mike, squishing his way in.

"Your, homegirl?" Mike replied, pointing at him with his fork. Bella took the scene in quietly. Her sister had become the center of attention of all Forks, the school, the bars, the neighbors... Everyone knew her, and worse, everyone lovedher. She should have never left Forks. At that instant a guy that was passing by - who, Bella didn't know, and she didn't really care either - pulled Mike's chair harshly, making the boy crash to the floor as he repeated. 'My girl!' Maggie took a deep breath, swallowing the laughter as she saw Mike trail after the guy.

"First day of clases, it's always like first grade all over again!" Jessica laughed, picking at her food. Margaret knew she was upset, she had been crushing on him since middle-school, and honestly, it pained her to see her best-friend that way. Angela's camera flashed as she took a picture of Bella, who, taken by surprise, threw her a deathly glare.

"Sorry, needed a candid for the feature." She apologized, lowering the camera.

"Feature's dead, Angela. Don't bring it up again." Eric murmured, setting his backpack on the ground as he looked back and forth between Bella and Maggie. With disappointment in her eyes she sighed, looking down at her plate.

"Guess we'll just run another editorial on teen drinking." The table was quiet for some time, the awkward silence creeping at Margaret's back.

"There's always eating disorders, or..." Margaret laughed as she thought on interesting stories for the school newspaper. "Speedo padding on the swim team." The table burst into laughter, everyone except Bella, who kept looking at them like they were all crazy.

"That's a good one!" Angela exclaims, opening her notebook and scribbling it down, when she looks up, she finds Isabella is no longer glaring at them. Instead, she is entranced by the group of teenagers walking towards the side door. They swing open as four of the most astounding people Bella's ever seen enter. The Cullens. All chalky pale, purplish shadows under their eyes, and all devastatingly gorgeous. They move through the room with effortless grace, and take a seat at a table furthest from Bella's. Enraptured by curiosity Bella leans over to Jessica and Angela.

"Who are they?" Angela looks over her shoulder and answers immediately.

"The Cullens." No further explanation, not the kind of information Bella was hoping to achieve, so she leaned closer to Jessica, who switched into gossip mode almost instantly.

"Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska a few years ago." Angela looked at Maggie, both clearly uncomfortable.

"They kinda keep to themselves." She said, trying to end the conversation. But Bella wouldn't have that, not now that it had piqued her interest.

I have waited a thousand years for you.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ