You aren't my sister

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From her room, Margaret could hear Bella talking over the phone with her mother. Their mother. Maggie hadn't really been very close with her, she visited often when she was little, as did Bella, but eventually, class and cheer took up too much time. Still, they sent each other letters every now and then, for birthdays and christmas, just like she had done with Bella, just her mother actually answered them. Maggie noted how her sister seemed so different when she talked to her mother instead of her father, it was like two completely different persons. After calling Rosalie again, and telling her about their lunch conversation Margaret spent her time reading over her book draft, making little notes on the margins, and highlighting sentences in different colors.


When Jasper picks her up the next day, she is surprised to find Bella's truck already gone. For a brief second she stopped on her tracks, blankly staring at the spot where she usually parks her car. It barely takes Jasper a second to understand that something is off, so he approaches her, as slowly as he can to not raise suspicion on himself.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked, the words rushing out of his mouth. Jasper, too, had been on edge lately, Margaret was aware of that. Since she had learnt about The Major, she had been able to understand him better, everything seemed clearer, and she was grateful for that. All the same, not only did he worry himself, but he carried with the other's fears and worries too. Margaret knew there was nothing she could do, but that made her even sadder.

"Bella's truck isn't here..." Her question floated through the air, as a heavy burning feeling weighed over her. Something was very wrong. "I have a bad feeling about this." Jasper wrapped his arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arm softly to ease her worry. "I'm okay, i'm fine." She assured him, hoping he would read between the lines, like he always did. Margaret didn't want him to use his powers, not on her, not now, when he was so weak. Jasper nodded, but his arm remained where it had been.

"Edward won't be coming to school for a few days." He said once they got in the car, and the doors had been closed shut. "He didn't come home after school. No one knows where he could be." Jasper sighed, the muscles in his jaw twitching involuntarily. Each day that passed without telling her about the mating bond, it grew thicker, stronger. If he didn't tell her soon, any small gesture with bad intention towards her might be enough to set him off, and having this problem with Edward... He might just loose it any day now. "He's ran way before, but given what we know... We're a little concerned." He admitted, there was no use hiding it from her, she could read him like an open book.

"Maybe it's for the better. It could give Bella time to pick another prey." And though she wished that could happen, even if deep down she knew it wasn't likely. Out of the corner of his eye, Jasper saw her face, her eyes shining brightly, her eyebrows furrowed with concern. He took her hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly.

"It'll be alright."

At least, that was what they hoped.


For three days no one knew anything about Edward, and what was worse, Bella seemed to grow more and more interested in the Cullens. Everyday she would get to school early just to see their cars pass by, during lunch she'd stare at them, barely blinking. It was very uncomfortable, for everyone, specially for Margaret, who could feel her eyes burning at the back of her head. Alice and Rosalie bumped into her once in the bathrooms, she had followed them in, and Rose - being Rose - stared her down with those fierce eyes until she buckled and stepped away. On the other hand, Alice said she had felt a little odd around her. Later on she explained to them that Bella didn't look like she did in her vision, she looked more... human.

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