Chapter Two

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(Your Pov)

A blast crashed outside your door, the screams and shouts from beyond shaking your body. But you were safe here. You had to believe that. It wasn't Hydra- hell, Hydra wouldn't stand a chance against the vampires. You had to hope.

It wasn't until one of the vampires trudged into your room did you have any idea what was going on. As you caught glimpses of strangers defeating swarm after swarm of the coven.

He was an older fellow, one of the elders you've learned to recognise now. A skilled fighter, and one of the leaders here. Perhaps a bit batshit crazy at times, as he talked his way into gaining permission to head up the turning missions here. You heard rumors of how the coven would leave at night and return with bitten humans.

The screams of the following days would haunt you forever. Turning into a vampire was not a pleasant experience to say the least.

He spared no words for you, slamming the door shut behind him. He looked tired. More tired than he should be while fighting. But you couldn't worry about that, as his attention was turned to you. He needed power. And you were the easiest option.

The vampires had a rule in regards to feeding from you. Everyone must seal the wound they made, else the 'source' would be lost. A vampire cannot drink from another vampire and hope to live. Whether it be from sickness or treason, they would die.

So as he fed, pausing after every thump near the door, you repeated this to yourself. You didn't want to be one of them. But if not, you had to make sure he sealed your wound before jumping back in to fight.

He took more this time. Much, much more. Sealing your wound seconds after you started growing weak, spots fielding your vision. "Stay quiet." He spat, forcing you to lie down on your cot. You couldn't fight him. You could barely keep your eyes open.

Which is why you barely flinched when the door burst open, a strange man standing in the entryway. He looked like one of the vampires, with his long black hair and pale complexion. But when he sneered and ground his teeth, you saw no fangs. "Finally, the one in charge."

The vampire leader laughed, the effects from your blood already showing. His back straightened, a murderous craze in his eye. "Finally, the first to die."

The stranger's eyes swept the room, landing briefly on you. "Let her go, and perhaps I'll decide to be merciful." Green eyes. Most likely not a vampire then, unless he happened to recently have fed. You've learned their signals better than most likely even themselves of how to gauge the hunger of one of their kind. The longer a vampire goes without blood, their eyes will turn more and more black. Their powers are weakened, as their bodies start failing. But they become hard to control when feeding, and often take more than they should.

Your keeper didn't like that. He lunged for the stranger as they became caught in battle, both completely aware of your observation. On more than one occasion the door was left unattended and open, and you had to fight yourself not to leave. Not now. You couldn't. You had barely enough strength to keep watching as this stranger tried to kill the vampire.

Probably not Hydra. But you wondered who else would care to attack such a place to save you. A vampire coven? It should've been a death wish. But he held his own, and even managed to score a few stabs. Misplaced, but still.

It didn't matter though. Not when the leader suddenly leapt and bit down on his neck. Biting the one who said to let you go. He shouted, pulling away.

Before it was sealed.

No. No, no don't do that. As the green eyed savior lifted a wooden dagger. "Wait!" You try to halt his actions, perhaps to save him. It only worked if the one who bit you sealed the wound. No one else could.

It also didn't work if the vampire was dead.

But it was too late, as the weapon was driven through his heart. Bursting into flames with a spark of green magic. He stopped to catch his breath, reaching up to feel the mark on his neck. His fingers wiping at the fresh blood now pouring from the wound.

In seconds you had leapt from your bed, stumbling to take care of him. He didn't know. This stupid, stupid man didn't know what he'd done. "Woah! Be careful." His arms found your own to hold you steady.

"I- I'm fine." You stutter, leaning into him when your legs fail you. But you had to see the wound. "You're not."

"It was just a small bite. I'll be fine." Why couldn't he see this? "What's your name?" He smiled, trying to offer some strange kind of comfort. It was the only thing you could compare it to, rarely having seen such kindness.

"Y/N." You huff out the breath, still looking over his injury. A small bite? Even a scratch from a vampire tooth could leave this curse. And what he sustained was not a scratch. Two punctures bled straight from the vein in his neck.

You turn around, grabbing tissues from the corner in your room. You had them to clean yourself up after a feeding, but right now this trumped that purpose. You place them against his wound as he muttered something about avenging. Or... the Avengers? Your mind had grown hazy from the bloodloss, and you could only focus on one thing at a time. Like keeping his hands from peeling yours away, this stranger sighing when you didn't pay attention.

"Lady Y/N, you must listen." He finally gathered your hands away from his neck. "We are here to save you. I will be fine, human diseases rarely affect me. But we must be going now."

"B-but..." you try to stop him, knowing the symptoms would start soon. But with this man already trying to herd you out the door, you decide it would be best to go willingly. At least then you'll be able to keep tabs on his whereabouts.

As you walked the halls of the base, you couldn't help but glance at this man every other second. A falter in his step, a hiccup in his breath, any kind of twitch that hinted at the coming hell. You supported yourself the best you could between him and leaning on walls. It wasn't long until he noticed, seeming to take some offense from the stares. You knew you shouldn't- both Hydra and the coven hated it. But he needed to be monitored. "What are you doing?"

"I'm waiting." You respond, pausing your step when he does.

He sighed, dark hair dropping to frame his face. His words created from forced patience that made you shiver from every memory made with those tones. A voice that thought they were speaking to someone who didn't listen: who didn't obey. "Waiting for what? I already told you, I'm going to be fine."

He wouldn't. You knew he wouldn't. But he didn't seem to care no matter how many times you warned him. And reminding him until he snapped would only result in a punishment. So you charged tactics. "Your name. Why are you rescuing me?"

His expression was priceless. A mix of surprise at first, as if he had assumed you already knew. Before realizing that you've remained as a captive for many, many years. He hashed out an apology, before listing his titles. "I am Loki, prince of Asgard, god of mischief, lies, chaos, and stories. I've been... enlisted by the Avengers to aid in this mission." God of lies? He couldn't lie for shit. You knew there must've been more to this story, but decided against pushing. "The coven has been killing midgardians, so now we're here to stop them."

"You really are the good guys, then." You smile, leaning off of him for a moment. Whatever was different about your blood increased your normal replacement rate as well. The dizziness had subsided for the most part, as you tried to control your limbs to take a step forward. You didn't notice the bags that had started to take under Loki's eyes, or how he flicked his tongue as if his mouth was dry.

"They try to be." Loki muttered, pushing forward out of this dreadful bloodsoaked place.

It wasn't until he stepped into the sunlight did he start to believe you.

My Love, My Blood (Vampire!LokixReader)Where stories live. Discover now