Chapter Five

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(Your Pov)

Day One of Loki care.

You never wanted to have to say those words, but it seemed you've heard them a thousand times today. The first day in the tower, the first day free, the first day making sure Loki doesn't die. The Avengers were absolutely useless on their own, knowing only the myths and what fragments of information the captured vampires whispered.

Loki had slept through the night since his fall, most likely the last time for... ever. But that didn't mean he got any better. No, his body continued growing more and more sickly.

A vampire survives off of blood. Everyone knows this. But rarely does anyone describe what made them that way in the first place. How a human- or Jotun, as Loki's personal file stated- would suddenly undergo such a change that left them craving others' lifeforce.


Loki would walk the line of death and life until his body either completed the transformation, or he died permanently. As you explained to Thor when he stayed with you. The Avengers wandered in and out as they pleased, someone always staying by your side. You couldn't be doing this otherwise. A vampire? So fresh out of the coven's grasp, you couldn't stand the thought of being alone with one again. Whether or not Loki was an Avenger, or so sick he couldn't move.

You were still afraid.

"I wish I could do something." Thor grumbled, pacing the long side of Loki's room. You sat by his bedside with a glass of water, forcing the sleepy prince to drink some kind of fluids.

You sigh as Loki pushes away the glass, peeking up at you with bloodshot eyes. "I've already had some." His voice was hoarse and dry, making it more than likely painful to drink anything.

"One cup three hours ago is not enough." You whisper back, handing him the glass again. Loki tried to take a slow sip. You turn back to Thor, "You're doing plenty by being here."

"Don't start giving him ideas." Loki grumbled, finally finishing the glass. Turning over to cover his head with the blankets. The room was already as dark as feasibly possible, a little light left so the mortals could see. But compared to the darkness Loki wanted, this was undoubtedly just like daylight.

But when Loki made jokes, it seemed to ease Thor's mood. At least he felt well enough to do such things.

This was all before noon, of course, ranging from early morning to the later hours. Loki's health started failing, as he fought between a fever and hypothermia. In the end the fever won, his normally cold skin warm to the touch. You and the Avengers brainstormed in any way you could to lower his temperature, from losing covers to wet rags to bags of ice.

It wasn't until that night did Loki lose his magic, after he confessed to small healing spells of his own that drained the last of his reserves. As his Asgardian illusion shattered.

You barely noticed the change of his skin in such a dimly lit room, the drop in temperature more obvious. Clint, who had been keeping you company for the time being, left to find a blanket or jacket. Promising to return in just a minute or two.

Just a minute or two was plenty of time for Loki to wake up, turning over with a groan and grumble. Eyes fluttering open to find your curious ones staring down at him. Bruce had found the perfect chair that never grew uncomfortable, lending it to the healer until further notice. You rarely left the spot, monitoring your patient for any hints of coming issues.

Deep, blood red eyes met your own. Belonging to a dark sapphire skin whose markings caught what little light entered the room.

A Jotun.

"What, more water?" Loki murmured, running a hand through his hair. His shirt had been removed some time ago, in hopes to prevent just this situation. Thor suggested that a fever might bring about this form, and you decided less distress for the prince would be better. You couldn't exactly complain either, even with the thin blanket draped over most of him. He really did have the form of a god.

But when Loki did so, his lazy glance met the swirls on his skin, and his eyes widened from surprise and fear. He flicked a hand, trying to summon back his other skin. "My magic is gone."

"Is that bad?" You didn't mean to pry or make him self-conscious, especially of something he was born as. You knew better than that. But you couldn't help but be curious why this mattered to him so much. If anything you found his other form mysterious. Different in a way that drew admiration from onlookers.

Loki scoffed, crossing his arms tight against his bare chest. The blanket pinched between his arms. "What do you think? Without my magic, I'm this... monster." He never moved up his body very much, still seemingly staring at the ceiling. But his eyes roamed about in endless randomness, not daring to meet yours again.

"Loki, I've known real monsters my whole life." You didn't care to elaborate, despite knowing the Jotun hadn't heard the same tales of woe you told the team on the jet. He didn't know much about you or your past at all. "I said you were a good guy before, and I still mean it now. It's not what you are, it's what you do."

He glanced up, finding your eyes as he fumbled with a smirk. "I'm not sure I qualify as that either."

Before you can question his statement, the door burst open. "Found it!" Clint marched in, revealing a triumphant blanket. Until he stopped to stare at the soon-to-be Vampire. "Loki, you know you're blue, right?"

My Love, My Blood (Vampire!LokixReader)Where stories live. Discover now