Chapter Three

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(Loki's Pov)

The Avengers landed, they attacked, and split up in groups to find the leader of this coven. Of course no one volunteered to keep track of Loki, and quite frankly he didn't like the feeling of being babysat. So when the prince found himself without an escort during the search, if anything he relaxed.

Then he found him. And the mortal with blood still dripping down her neck from the feeding. She was so unresponsive to his entry that Loki first assumed her dead. Which of course was quickly disproven after the monster bit him.

It wasn't a deep bite. It didn't feel any more painful than any other torture he's been through. But the girl, Y/N, was adamant on his condition. That this curse would soon affect him.

A Jotun, fake Asgardian, and Vampire? Loki didn't think the fates would deal him such a card. It couldn't be possible. Something would have to be ruled out.

It wasn't until he stepped out of that wretched place did the symptoms become painfully noticeable. The sun burned his eyes, weakening his movements to an almost sickly pace. A headache had taken to the back of his mind since the halls, but now it bloomed. Creating a throb that felt like Mjolnir had rammed through his skull. Over and over again. The Avenger's weren't near, and Shield didn't care about Loki's antics. If anything they wished he was dead.

The only person who dared to help him: who laced her arm under his and guided him to the shade, was the little mortal who had just been freed. Y/N grumbled about his stubbornness, waiting with Loki a moment until he gathered his wits enough to hear her question. "Who can help you?"

Loki peered up with as open of eyes as he could muster in this brightness, squinting across a field of cleanup Shield agents. Until he found the team who had ordered him along on this mission in the first place. "Thor, my brother." Loki closed his eyes again, tempted to use magic to sweep away the pain in his head. He pointed where he had last seen him. "Cape, hammer, metal armor."

"Okay, I think I see him." Y/N whispered. Or, it seemed that way. As every sound became blurred together and split apart in an instant. The rage of captured vampires, the threats of Shield, the laughter of the team, the wind as it whistled through the debris. Sure, Asgardians had advanced hearing compared to mortals. But whatever this was, it broke his focus on any singular conversation. Like Y/N's next words, "Just stay conscious, Loki."

He didn't know if he dignified that with a response, but if the prince did, it surely couldn't have been anything coherent. Some pathetic whimper, most likely. As Y/N dragged him across the battlefield to the awaiting Avengers.

So much for just a scratch.


(Your Pov)

Loki didn't believe you at first, but even the god couldn't deny the starting symptoms. Clammy hands, sunlight sensitivity, and a sway in his step. You were only glad that he could still support his own weight as you guided him through the chaos of cleanup. Vampires who had fed from you shackled and being lifted into trucks, others' bodies zipped into black bags. Agents roaming about counting the fallen and captured.

No one paid any mind to the two of you beyond a small cautious glance, quickly figuring out who it was you were beelining to. This 'Thor'. You couldn't help but find it slightly humorous these brothers were named after Norse gods. Which... is what Loki had said he was...


Apparently gods do exist.

"Hey kid!" Before you could reach Thor, another man appeared in front of you. A metal onesie acting as his armor, helmet resting on a stack of gear nearby. "What did Reindeer Games rope you into?"

You didn't know him. But obviously this stranger knew Loki, and hopefully by extension knew the hammer-wielding brother you were after. Loki glanced up briefly, shifting his grasp on you to not look too desperate. "Do s-shut up, Stark." He stood up straight, glaring at him in the eyes. The mark on his neck held at a hidden angle.

As hidden as it could be, anyway. It was a bit difficult for him to do so and stay glowering at Stark. But the moment this metalhead heard the stutter and tired tone, a caution grew. Glancing to you for confirmation. "Is he..."

You nodded, reaching up to tilt Loki's head much to his displeasure. Unfortunately for him and luckily for you, he couldn't correct himself in time before Stark saw. "We need to find Thor."

"He needs an antidote, is what he needs." The... cyborg? Grabbed his helmet from the nearby pile, slipping it back on his head. "Jarvis, what do we have on Vampirism remedies?"

There wasn't anything. You shook your head at this teammate, glancing around for Thor. Loki said he would be the one to help. Dropping off the prince to the first person you found was not what you planned. "It's already too late."

"What?" Stark looked down, pausing his search with this 'Jarvis'.

"There is no remedy. The vampire who did this is dead, and can no longer heal the wound. There is no fix." As you said this, both heroes turned to you with hopeless expressions. Loki would be a vampire, or he'd die in the transformation. There was no other outcome. "But I know how to keep him alive. We need to hurry."

Stark hesitated for a moment, glancing between mortal and god. Quickly deciding on an answer, despite how every word seemed to annoy him. Or was it panic? "What do you need?"

"A first aid box, a quiet space, lots of water, and directions to Thor." You rush out the details, as Stark removes his helmet once again.

"I can do better than that. How much time do we have until it gets worse?"

"A couple hours, maybe." Throughout your conversation Loki jumped his sights from speaker to speaker, absorbing as much information as he could. Closing his eyes against the sun when he found the chance.

Stark radioed through his helmet. "Team, Loki's down. I'm escorting him and one of the rescues to the Quinjet. Thor, make sure you're there." Questions buzzed through, to which he quickly fielded for a later time. It's as if he's dealt with such situations before. "Let's get going."

You followed Stark to the meeting place, this Quinjet, with Loki forcing himself to walk between you free of aid. Worried glances were shared behind the prince's back, knowing full well that someone who tripped on air that many times shouldn't be allowed to do such a thing. But the Asgardian was insistent, and the two of you had to allow his stubborn ways.

"Loki?" A man in blue asked, blond and with a soldier build. Now this man you've heard of. Captain America. The one Hydra had hated since he tried to destroy their empire. The prince in question spared him only a glance, seeming to not have even heard his words. "What happened?"

"He fought the Coven's King." It was as much of an explanation you were allowed before Loki started swaying, Stark and yourself rushing to support him. The god shrugged off Tony's hand, losing track of yours which stayed glued under his arm. "Just a little farther."

The next group to spot Loki included the hunted brother, as well as the rest of the Avengers, as you've learned. They gathered just outside the Quinjet, waiting impatiently until your now quartet of specialized beings arrived. But this group didn't need an explanation of what happened; at least not really. The mark on Loki's neck had started to puff and bruise into a bright red. The piercings are enough of a clue to his sickly behavior.

Until you found Thor. "What happened?" He said, as Loki finally faced him. The last blockade to entering the Quinjet and starting the journey away from this battleground. Loki seemed so set on finding his brother, but now he fought for any type of words. With his silence, the thunderer turned to accuse the one stranger in his midst.

It was a kind of assumed hatred that chilled you to the bone. "Bite, sick, I'm helping." You summed up the events, forcing your way past the blond wall of muscle and into the plane. A... very strangely shaped plane. "Where's a bed?"

(A/N: Updates every other Monday! Thanks for reading!)

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