Chapter Seven

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(Your Pov)

The Avengers later decided that it would be best if day three was simply forgotten. The worst of it was quite the understatement in Loki's condition. Normally around this time, vampiric magic would become infused with the victim's body: a painful and intrusive process that couldn't be numbed.

In Loki's case, already with magic of his own, these powers entered into a battle over his feverish almost-corpse.

Day three passed, and by the time night rolled around it seemed the storm had dispersed. His fangs wouldn't grow in for another few days, and the sickness started to heal.

Loki survived.

That evening Tony delivered a special package, of which you had little idea how he could be approved to ask for such a thing. During his visit on the second day you had been talking about the best type of blood to help strengthen Loki after this whole ordeal, which of course would have been yours. But you refused to take such a chance. The second best would be another human's blood, with animals ranked afterwards in their own ways.

You didn't know whose blood was in the bag, but Tony said it was from a human blood drive. You supposed it would have to do. Stark assured you and Loki he wouldn't be getting such treatment again, his needs met through that of animal blood from now on.

But with the blood already drawn, you fumbled around trying to figure out the best way to prepare it. You've only ever seen live feedings- hell, you've only ever been the meal. Figuring out how to make an appetizing cocktail was not your strong suit.

Fortunately when it comes to both chemistry and cocktails, you happened to know the perfect man for the job. Tony scienced the ratio, coming up with a beverage that even a sickly vampiric god could appreciate.


By the fifth day Loki felt well enough to start wandering about the tower during his nightly wakes. You and whatever choice Avengers accompanied him, developing a schedule that would keep everyone sane. With his sudden nocturnal change and sensitivity to sunlight, it didn't make sense for Loki to stay awake during the daylight hours. Eventually he could go for days without sleep, but so soon after his transformation? You doubted he could pull such a thing off. So for now, Loki would rest through the strongest daylight hours, then do as he pleased the rest of the night.

As long as it didn't wake the others. The Avengers weren't about to join this new schedule as well. They set a few select rules, more obvious than not. Don't feed from someone unwilling, don't enchant anyone to do your bidding, and generally don't be an asshole.

Loki was told to decide about his feeding schedule himself, rather than for the Avengers to try and make such a guess. You knew some about a vampire's needs, but not enough to dictate how much would be enough for him. Especially since he was using animal blood. Loki would have to feed more often than you were used to.

With the prince settling into his routine, the Avengers dismissed you from his care to get some actual sleep. And you realised that you haven't actually seen the room set up for you yet.

"This one?" You asked Jarvis in the hallway, pointing to the only door without an emblem.

He beeped in response. "Yes, Miss." It was strange to be talking to a robot in the walls, but you enjoyed the company. It was nice to have someone as a friend- even if his intelligence was artificial.

You peeked open the door, flipping on the light to your left. Finding paper bags spread all across your floor. "Jarvis, what is all of this?"

"Yours." A feminine voice spoke before the robot could answer, her sudden appearance giving you a fright. "Sorry, I had to guess your size for most of the clothes. If you want a change of anything don't be afraid to ask, either. Pepper convinced Tony to let you have everything that you want."

What? "What do you mean?" How could this all be for you? You were one person. This was an entire store's worth of stuff. You've never had anything more than... a plate and cot, if that.

Natasha leaned against the doorway to watch as you started to open the bags. Her smirk falling short of your absolute child-like grin. "It's yours. Think of it as thanks for helping with Loki. You're welcome to stay as long as you'd like, too."

"I don't know what to say." You whispered, "Thank you so much! I can't- I don't even know where to begin. This means so much to me."

"That's more than enough." Natasha smiled, sparing you a small nudge as she helped you unpack. Yours. Your room, your bed, your clothes. If anything made you feel at home, this was it. Your life. Such a thought of being able to be yourself unapologetically sounded too good to be true.

Natasha explained the rest of your situation while you're living here, from your allowance with Shield to what few rules you were encouraged to follow. But compared to your life before... There was no comparison. This felt like freedom. As you talked, the warrior woman also invited you to wander about the tower and explore as you pleased. There would always be a seat for you at meals, and an extra ticket to Tony's galas.

The Avengers really did try to make you feel at home.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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