Chapter 8.

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*I've never been so sure.*

I've never been so sure about any decision in my life like I am now. I took him by his shirt and threw him out. Before I locked the door, I said, "Dave listen and listen real good. Don't ever cross my path. Trust me you won't like me if you do. Stay away from anything connected to me." Then I slammed the door to his face. It might seem like I overreacted, but trust me, it was my every energy and Dave wasn't worth being in a relationship with. I even began to doubt if I ever spent almost 3 years with this human.

***Sandra's POV

I stood there numbed trying to understand what happened. Jossy's just 19 and the crazy guy she dated wanted to take advantage of her. I made a mistake similar to hers but hers is more crazy. I was in tears already. Jossy walked into the sitting room all furious and crying too. She looked so stressed. I got her a glass of water.
"Have this you will feel better". She didn't bother taking the water, she hugged me real tight.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier Sandra, I didn't want to stress you over my problems. I'm really sorry."
"Listen Jossy, your problems are my problems and you can share them with me. We've lived for 4years now and you think your pains will bore me?" I asked almost getting teary too.
"I'm so sorry Sandra, I really am." I took her to her room and she laid on my laps till she fell asleep. We both had dinner later that evening, the most quiet we've ever had.

The next morning, I went up to her room and saw sleeping so soundly.

"Wake up Jossy, it's 10am already."
"Can I just sleep a little, it's Saturday."
"No you can't ma'am, we are going to Bedford park."
"The park!!!" She jumped down in excitement.
"You should have said that earlier, I'll be ready in 30minutes." Saying that, she ran to the bathroom.
"Haha so childish". I shook my head and went on to prepare myself.
We got to the park, had icecream, pretzels,  hotdog,...I did that to make her happy and to clear her head from what happened yesterday. Jossy was like the daughter I always wanted. After the park, we went for sight seeing. We were on a tour but around the area tho. We had a long day and got home tired.


***Jossy's POV
(In the living room)
"Dad's coming to New York City in 3days. I don't know if it's okay he stays here even though it's for a week. I really don't want him to go to his house because it's pretty far from here and I want you guys to bond and I also want to see your face all the time." I grinned.

"No why not? He can stay here, that's if he's comfortable with it. This house is convenient for the 3 of us."
"Alright Sandra I'm sure dad will agree to stay thanks." I said and hugged her.
"Is your dad married?" She asked and I laughed.
"No he's not, I don't know my mom either." I said. I frowned but I cheered up immediately. I was used to it.
"Okayyy." She dragged and smiled.

That fateful dad arrived.

I went to the airport to pick dad.
"Daddy!!" I hugged him. "It's been like forever!"
"My princess! Look at you!! You are all grown now." I kept hugging dad.
"Dad, Sandra works here, let's see if we would see her before going home."
Raising an eyebrow dad replied, "Really Jossy? Really? You want me to meet someone during her work hours?"
"You can dad."
"Yes I can but I won't we'll all see at home okay?"
I was too excited I wanted everything to happen quickly. We took a cab and got home. Dad took his bathe and came down to Join me. I served him lunch while we discussed.
"So Jossy, how's school?"
"School's cool dad, I have high chances of being the best graduating student in my department and that's if I don't flop."
"I trust you."
"Yeah!" I paused. "Dad any news from Josh?" As much as I forced myself to dislike Josh, it wasn't just happening. My weak side, I care too much. I still wanted to know if he was okay.
"Hm, no my dear I'm even upset he didn't inform you before disappearing. How whole family just disappeared. But there's one good news"
"And that is?"
"His Father contacted me when I was in Nigeria and apologized for there sudden disappearance. He said they are in London now."
"London? And Josh didn't bother telling me. Wow that's new." I was hurt deeply so I changed the topic. We talked about his work and other things. Later in the evening, dad went for a nap and Sandra came back home. When I heard the toot of her horn, I went to Dad's room and woke him up, "Sandra's here." I said and left.
The gate keeper opened the gate for Sandra and she drove in. I hugged her and we both went inside. I got to the room before her and Dad was there already. As she walked in I said,
"Dad meet Sandra, Sandra meet my Dad". Sandra and Dad looked at each other and both said, "YOUUU?" I was beyond surprise. "So you guys have met?"

***Mr Phillips POV

"This definitely can't be her. This can't be My Sandra." I kept thinking when Jossy asked,
"So you guys have met?"
"Uhmm ye... Yeah! We have" Sandra replied.
"Uhmm..." Sandra was about saying something when I interrupted.
"We met at the airport, she works there right?"
"Yeah...... she does..." I looked at the both of them suspiciously.
"Yeah that's where we met. She helped me find my luggage. Right Sandra?"
"Oh oh yeah sure. Jossy I need to go take a shower now I had a long day. It's nice to see you once again Jossy's Dad." she pecked me and went up.

***Jossy's POV

So the whole thing got awkward, I wanted to introduce them to each other

... I didn't even know they already met. Well Sandra left to shower while dad and I watched TV. I noticed dad wasn't really comfortable anymore so  asked, "Is anything wrong?"
"No no my dear why do you ask?" He said wiping his face.
"You look disturbed."
"Oh about that, yeah I've been having this stomach upset since yesterday so it's stressing me right now. I'll be right back I'm going to the rest room." He left.
"What's really going on?" I didn't stress over it.
Two weeks to my exams and my reading got intense. Dad didn't give me time to rest. He was always on my neck to study. Sandra on the other hand, stopped coming home in time. If I asked her, it's either she worked late or there was traffic. She and Dad barely spoke to each other, maybe because they were always busy with their work. I didn't know and that wasn't my problem. One day, dad called me.
"Jossy, don't you think we should go to my apartment for the both of us to stay at least till you are done with your exams. I see myself as a liability to Sandra."

"C'mon dad, you worry about little things and I noticed you don't talk to Sandra that much and I asked her why and she told me."
"And what did she tell you?" Dad asked all inquisitive and eager.
"Chill dad, she only said she was a little bit rude to you at the airport and she has been feeling guilty ever since."
"Was that all she said?"
"Yes dad. Anything else??"
"No no not at all."
"So dad we aren't leaving here till I'm done. It was just a misunderstanding okay? I understand." I grinned.

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