Chapter 18.

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I was led to a perfect yet calm setting beautiful for a reserved date.
That was the last floor. The deco was cool. The weather too. Everything thing fell in place, first time I decided to meet someone after Josh.  "A cool date" I thought and had a little frowned and smiled to shove it all off. Maybe a good start with someone I loved talking to would take my mind off everything for a bit. The attendant was leaving soon after she led me to the table.
"Where's your boss?"
"On his way." She smiled at me and She left.
I waited for 10 minutes and didn't see him. I already drank half a glass of fruit wine placed on the table. I sent a message.
"Where are you?"
"I'm with you there." I turned and didn't see anyone.
"Tione can you be serious for once and you didn't tell me you are a hotel owner!"
"So many things you don't know. Besides I've been with you since you walked In the terrace."
"So I'm thinking you are the attendant? Ridiculous."
"TURN AROUND!" He typed.
"No one's there and it's dark."
"Turn!" I turned and saw a figure
"Oh I see you now." I sat properly and arranged myself. I raised my head and the figure was a night mare!
"What the!!! It can't be!" He finally came into light and I collapsed. I was awake again and thought I was dreaming.
Some waiters around made me sit and I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Wait what??"
"Jossy, I..."
"So it's been you all this years!!!! How?... How are you even alive. I went to your burial your parents told me...The video calls. What's going on?" I staggered when I got up. "I must be dreaming." I wanted to hug him and cry but I wasn't going to. My heart bled, my body shaked.
"How could you survive years without me and you didn't bother telling me you were alive what if I killed myself?" He was quiet and I was boiling!
"This isn't real! God I need to wake up from this nightmare. You've tested me enough faith and I'm tired. Just let me be!! I can't take this whole stress and pain alone!! I whispered and  broke down in tears falling on the floor with my face buried.

***Tione's POV

I'm Josh and not Tione! I couldn't bare see Jossy In such pain. I opened the "Tione account" when she was upset and didn't want to talk to me. That was the only way I could speak to her. I didn't know the tragic incident that would get us separated would occur. That was how I knew she was in trouble the other day I came to her house uninvited. That was how I knew her every thought and knew she was okay when she went to Singapore. Obviously how I got to tell her about her night phobias without being in her family. Two months after my fake death I was stronger and more alive. It was a miracle I survived. I was hurt when she gave up her cardiologist dream because of me but I thought to make it right. Not to add I was getting jealous of Tione Even if I was the same person.

When she fell on the floor I became weak. I walked to her and raised her up. She stood on her feet and slapped me, I deserved that.
"You are not my Josh! And you can never be. What sought of imposter are you TIONE?
"I'm Josh and not TIONE!"
"You are lying!" She was too hard to calm so I kissed her. My hands went to her chest and I held the pendant, Funny how she still had it! "This pendant is what I gave to you on your 16th birthday. The ring you're putting on, the doctor gave it to you when you all thought I died." She became calm and I sat her down.
"I didn't die. My Parents planned with the doctor which they somehow knew. They said I sacrificed too much for you and I cared a lot about you than them. Even before the incident, they already told me to get married to you and bring you home to avoid them feeling like I didn't care. But I knew you weren't ready for marriage. I wanted you to go half way at least in your training before asking for your hand in marriage and I was heading towards being extremely stable, stable enough to take care of the both of us avoiding "external bodies." The doctor operated on me that day and I survived. My Parents paid him to lie to you all in other for us to be apart. I promise you Jossy when I recovered, I wanted to tell you everything. I wanted everyone to know about it but then my mom threatened to kill herself if I tried anything. Jossy for the past 1 year what kept me alive was talking to you on social media. I couldn't let anyone find out I was alive I didn't want to lose my mom. You know how much both my parents have sacrificed for my well being. I'm an Orphan and they took me as their own I couldn't watch them die just because of me. I'm really sorry for hurting you Jossy. I don't deserve you, I really don't, I'm very sorry."

***Jossy's POV

I watched him cry as he explained. I understood how he felt and what he went through. I knew he only wanted the best for us and I know his parents loved me just as much but they couldn't watch their first son suffer because of me. I was supposed to be angry but I couldn't. Even if I was to, I just couldn't stay mad at them. What they did really broke me and I imagined if I had died in one of my suicidal attempts!
I trembled and balanced myself to sit again and Josh spoke. He knelt and pleaded.
"Jossy, you can hate me now and everyone one else but I'm sorry. My mother was only being protective and you know how Mother's can be. I'm very sorry for watching you go through all you did alone. I was selfish and I promise it will not happen again. I'll make up for all your sad nights, your lonely night everything. I promise."
"And what about my dream Josh! My career. The whole aim of being a cardiologist. Josh!"
"Jossy please. We can still make it all happen. I know I have no right to spit out nonsense right now but I'm sorry. Forgive me, my mom, my family. please."
"I was suicidal, Josh. What if I killed myself?"
"I'm really sorry. I really am."
I hugged him. I didn't know what else to do, I really missed him. I never knew I was going to see his face again.
"I missed you so much Josh. I can't stay mad at you. I just want us to be together forever without complications or hiding. I want to apologise to your mom too and tell her I really want the best for you and I don't want you involved in all the drama of my life that has to put your life on the line.
"She knows everything and that's why I'm here with you and for you. I love you Jossy. More than anything."
I hugged him tighter then, kissed him.
"I love you and I understand everything. We've been separated for too long I need just one favour. Don't hide anymore. Show yourself to everyone. I promise everyone will be fine with it."
"I will besides everyone is here already." He grinned.
"Huh?" I turned around and Saw Mom, Dad, Josh's parents and siblings.
"You all knew????? Mom? Dad?"...
"Your dad and I just did." Mom defended and we all laughed.
"Never knew she'd be this easy to access and listen, Josh." Dad complimented.
I raised an eyebrow.
Josh's parents apologized and knew it would be hard and almost impossible to separate us.

.                        .                          .
It all ended with me and Josh in a room.

*I'm Jossy Phillips. And this is MY STORY.*
Hello reader, thank you for sticking with me till this time. I hope you are ready for the second Part!
Thank you all... Much loveee♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ mogor_somtochukwu. (^^)
The story is a short story because I had to elongate each chapter.
I love you all. Await "Hidden Scars(Masked Scars 2)".
this isn't the end you know? ^^

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