Chapter 17.

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*Heart breakss!!*

"You have to get hold of yourself. The bullet got to a delicate part and he lost a lot of blood. we tried all we could to save him but we couldn't we are sorry."

I blacked out.

**Mr Phillips POV

In the ambulance, I called Josh's Parents and they spoke to the doctor too. They were flying in immediately.
*.                        *.                    *
Jossy fainted out of shock and mental stress. It was too much for her to handle. She got admitted in the hospital and woke up the next morning. I thought I would lose my Daughter just as Sandra thought too.
"She's waking up, Sandra call the doctor." I requested.
"My head hurts! Josh! Where's Josh?" She held her head as tears dropped, she was panicking again.
"Princess Just lay down the doctor will be here soon."
"I don't need a doctor Dad, I need Josh!" She pulled out the drip and tried coming down from the bed. She collapsed again. The doctor came in and gave her series of injections to calm her nerves.
"If you don't mind Mr Phillips, How's she related to Josh? Twins?"
"No they aren't. Best friends and more."
"Hm." The doctor sighed and continued. "I found this in his pocket." The doctor brought out a Pearl ring and a note which read,

"Jossy my eternal, Even if I do not get married to you or remain with you forever, just know I'll always be by your side even as a ghost. This isn't a marriage or engagement ring, it's a symbol of my undying love for you. Never take it off! Your eternal, Josh." He ending with different drawings of hearts.
I broke down. How would I possibly show this to Jossy? Sandra read it too and was broken.
Josh's parents came to the hospital and took the body of their son. We met briefly because they couldn't take the news. They saw how pale Jossy looked and felt real bad for her. 3 hours after they left, Jossy woke up. She kept crying and refused to talk to anyone. She begged to be discharged and at that moment anything she asked was given to her. For the second time, I watched Jossy fade out.

***Jossy's POV

We got home and I locked myself in my room. For three days I didn't go down, I didn't switch on the light in my room. I had water in my room and mom and dad always brought up snacks and food to me. I decided to be in total darkness. I wanted to dieee. What was the point of living anyway?
I got the note and the ring Josh gave me. I read the note everyday, every minute, every second! "Why Josh!?" "Why??!! You left me again but this time for good. You didn't even bother saying goodbye. I don't even need a goodbye. I need to wake up and go to bed with you!"
Every night I wailed and died slowly. I can recall thousands of times I tried committing suicide but Everytime I tried someone was there to save me. Two months elapsed and I started my training for cardiology.  First day I tried to pay attention but I couldn't. I got home and went to Instagram after a very long while. Few messages from Tione. I read them and ignored.
"Finally you are online and you are ignoring."
*No reply.
"I too haven't been online wanna know what happened?"
"I lost my phone."
"Haha and that's an issue?"
"Yes it was tho. Had lots of documents"
"Ohh! Sorry!"
"It's Nothing princess so why the sudden disappearance?"
"I lost everything."
"Everything? Wanna talk about it?"
"No I don't at least for now."
"Okay princess."
"Can you not call me princess. No one except dad and... NVM but don't call me princess."
"Okay I won't."
"Let's switch topic. I started my training today. You are talking to a cardiologist here."
"Ooouuu, that's good news, can I call you?" He asked carefully.
"Sure sure." We had a video call. A short one anyway.

We talked and he made me happy at least for that moment. He was the only company I had except I start making new friends. Which I tried doing over time.
The first month in training everything was inside out I couldn't concentrate. Tione was all the support I needed but all weren't working, Dads encouragement, mom's advice all went in shambles. A year in the training and I pulled my self out. Every operation I had to do on an animal reminded me of Josh. He was shot on a rib close to his heart so anytime I operated, I visualized it. I was taken to different psycologists and even psychiatrist, nothing could be done. Dad made me start working in his company.
"I failed in my career Tione. I finally dropped. I couldn't concentrate. I miss him and I see him there everyday and Everytime. I now work with Dad in his company I hope I cope there as well." I complained to him.
"Why? I know you are a strong lady. I beautiful strong one at that, you'll get over all these and everything is going to be alright Jossy. Believe in yourself."
"Who told you my name's Jossy?" He didn't reply immediately.
"Uhmm! It's written on your bio or don't you remember putting it there?"
"Oh my bad I'm sorry!" I didn't write it on my bio, everything I did online only revolved around "CJ." But I didn't want to push too hard. Must have heard me say it sometime.
"Yeah." He said.
"So I've been thinking let's meet. I've been chatting with you for almost 2 years and I haven't mey you. Are you some sought of Ghost?" I requested.
"Maybe I'm your guardian angel." I saw his message and laughed.
"Saturday night? KFC." I introduced.
"You really want to meet me?"
"Yeah of course."
"Don't ask me, Just show up. Don't ditch me!!"
"Yes ma'am haha. KFC, Saturday night got it!"
We kept conversing till I slept off.
Saturday night. I got a message.
"I won't make it. I have an unfinished business I'll make it up to you."
I wasn't happy but I let it slide he did same 2 more times and I ignored him totally because I was upset, he's supposed to be my friend. Maybe.
"I'm sorry CJ."
"Pleaseee."  *No reply
"I'm sorry Jossy." Still didn't reply.
"My Princess." I'm pretty sure he was trying to tease.
"Don't call me that!" I scoffed.
"Okay I guess it's time to meet you. Be ready in 30minutes I'll send my driver to come get you. Hope you don't have that Phobia anymore?"
"No and who told you I had Phobia?"
"Just be ready in 30minutes and send your address."
"This guy is just weird!" I thought aloud. I got ready and peeped through the window just to see his "driver" waiting.
"Mom! Dad! I'll be back before 11pm." I screamed when I got to the door
"Where to?" Mom asked
"I'm grown mom. I want to go see a friend. I'll be back soon. I love you." I pecked her cheek and left.
It was a black Rolls Royce with tinted glasses. Ouuu cool!
"CJ?" the driver asked.
"Yes." I hopped in the back seat.
He drove to an Hotel and I waited at the reception.
"Ma'am Cj?" The receptionist asked.
"You have a reserved table at the terrace."
"Yes that's where our boss said we direct you to."
"Boss?" Tione never told me he was a BOSS of a hotel??
"Shall we?" She left the way.
We entered the elevator to the 12th floor.

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