Chapter 12.

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She fled the club and I followed behind. She entered a bike and zoomed off. I was fast enough and copied her number plate. I went back to the bartender and asked for her name to confirm. "She's CJ."
"CJ? What... nevermind thanks." I left. I gave the number plate to a friend of my dad's in the police and asked him to track it. I called Mr Phillips and within 2 days, the bike was tracked and her dad was in London. We went to the apartment where the bike was traced to. It was a storey building. We were going up the stairs when we all sighted ourselves. She was on the 2nd stairs and we were in the first. Sighting us, she ran back. I ran after her and Mr Phillips followed. I was about stopping her from closing the door but she was too fast and strong. She bolted the door.
"What do you guys want?"
"Jossy can you please listen to me."
"Just shut up." She said to me.
"Okay don't listen to me. Listen to your father." I sighed.
"I don't have a father Josh I'm an orphan or Probably a fucking Bastard. What are you even doing here anyway?" She said calmly.
"You are not a bastard or an Orphan Jossy, your dad is your dad and Sandra is your mom."
"What?" She unbolted the door. "What do you mean Sandra is my mom?"
I told her everything.
"That's not Possible. H... How?" She stuttered.
"It's very possible my princess." Mr Phillip said.
"Don't call me that and you are lying again."
"Jossy please forgive me for not telling you about your adoption but everything turns out to be God's plan."
"I don't believe all these, let's go for a DNA test... Now."
"Would I lie to you my princess?"
"Do not, don't fucking call me that please... Plus I don't trust anyone Dad. Let's go, immediately."

***Mr Phillips POV

The fact that she called me dad was all I wanted. On our way to the hospital, Josh was so disturbed he was clearly hurting from deep within but he pretended all through. Jossy sat at the backseat alone and always wiped her tears from time to time. She was hurting too but they both pretended. What about me? Hmm!
We got to the hospital and had the test done. In three days we came back for the results. Josh was my greatest support and he was always with me. The results came out positive.

***Jossy's POV

Sincerely I miss my Dad, Josh and Sandra. They were the only Family I had. In the car I tried as much as I could to control the tears that dropped from my eyes. I was with two people I care about the most and I couldn't talk to them. Josh and I had a lot to talk about. I prayed silently for the results to come out positive so I could be with my dad and it did. I was overjoyed but didn't show it. I really wanted to hug my dad and tell him how much I missed him but I restrained. Josh came to me to talk.
"Jossy please can we t..."
"Josh please." I raised a hand to stop whatever he wanted to say. He didn't say a word, he left the hospital. I was very hurt he left. I was broken and I went to the restroom to let out my pain. After washing my face, I checked my purse for my hanky but I couldn't find it. Then a hand passed a hanky to me. I collected it without even knowing who it was.
"Thank you." There was no response. I didn't bother. I wiped my face and started leaving.

"Listen I know you miss me, but trust me this time I miss you more." Then I knew it was Josh, I halted.

***Josh's POV

I didn't leave the hospital. I went to the female restroom. At the entrance, it stated "Restricted" I wanted to think so I ignored the sign and entered. I was in one of the cubicles when Jossy entered. I watched  her fight back tears she couldn't control. I knew I hurt her deeply and needed to set things right.
.                 .                      .
She heard me, I know that, but she chose to ignore me. She didn't even bother turning so I pulled her back to me. She didn't struggle she only asked,
"What do you want Josh?" At that moment I didn't know what to say. I wanted her back, I wanted everything we ever had, I wanted to hug her and hold her till forever. I maintained eye contacts with her. She turned away after a while and wiped her tears.
"You don't have to hide your tears from me Jossy. You can tell me what you are going through."
"And who says you still have that right to share or even know what I'm going through. You broke my trust. You changed towards me like I meant nothing to you. I made stupid mistakes because I didn't have my best friend to talk to. You told me I didn't have the right to meddle in your business so please don't try to be nice to me okay. You are just like the rest of them." She was crying already. I pulled her closer to me and she cried and struggled this time. I must say she has become stronger...When she saw I wasn't letting her go, she sobbed and buried her head on my chest and started hitting me. She hugged me and I could feel how sincere she was. I hugged her back but lightly.

***Jossy's POV

He wasn't ready to let me go then I grew weaker. I was already weak from crying too much. Hugging him, I started throwing questions at him. "What happened to always being by my side? What happened to always being there for me? You abandoned me Josh. I always held this pendant thinking you would come back earlier. But NO! your friends matter more than I do. You feared I would forget all we had if I left Nigeria not knowing you would. You..."
"I'm sorry Jossy." When he said this I felt him warms tears roll down my shoulders.
"You always say you are sorry." I let him go and he did too. I looked him in the eyes and said,
"Sorry doesn't heal every heart." I walked out of the restroom. Walking down the passage I cleaned my tears and arranged myself. I saw dad. I told him I was going home and I didn't want anyone with me. We were both talking, dad was persuading me to stay in the hotel with him when Josh came out. His eyes were all red. He told Dad he was leaving and he left immediately without saying or listening to anything. Yeah I had this new friend on IG he didn't have a picture of himself as his profile picture. Funny enough he knew my every mood from our chats. I got to my apartment that evening and picked up my phone saw 3 messages from him "Tione"
***"Hey CJ."
"I trust you had a nice day."
"Hope no problem today, remember I'm always here if you want to talk."
Went through his messages and I really wasn't in the mood to chat at all so I opened the message and left him on seen.
"Oh you don't want to reply, it states clearly you are upset but you need to let go,okay? Did I upset you?" 
I went through these messages and immediately texted back. "Letting go?? Wait what made you talk about letting go?"
"Girls these days carry too much in their hearts." He typed with a skirt emoji.
"And how did you know that?"
" I know because they behave just like you when you ignored my first messages." He put the smirk emoji and I burst into laughter.
"Youuu. Hahaha"
We kept talking and laughing. He was really a comforter in my distress. Them he asked, "CJ you have never said anything about yourself since we started talking on this app why is that?"
I didn't reply actually didn't know what to say.
"Yeah I saw your message but I don't talk and I like it that way."
"Just like that? You don't talk. Ever been broken?"
"Uhmm you see I don't feel like discussing anymore. Later." I went off again.
"Urrhhhh annoying interview guy." I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling didn't know when I dozed off. Woke up the next morning by 9am I had a splitting headache for reasons unknown to me.
"Arggh!" I groaned as I got up and screamed again to the greatest shock of my life.
"Jesus Christ!! What are you doing here and how did you get in? And how long have you been here? Wait do the creep on people like this??" He just stared and didn't say anything.
"What do you want Josh? You know what nevermind I'm calling the police." I picked up my phone and started dialing.
"You don't need to call them, they are outside already."
"Outside? How?" I walked towards my window that was widely opened. I saw some police officers downstairs. Seemed like they were rounding up something. I went down. When I got there one of the officers said,
"This is the girl." The others turned. Me very confused at the, "This is the girl." asked,
"What girl?"
The police looked at Josh behind me and he replied,
"She doesn't know yet I'll tell her You can go now Thank you a lot."
"Alright Mr Michael's." They shook hands and the police left.
"What happened?"
"Let's go up and talk." He led the way and we went up. He sat down.
"Last night I drove pass your house and wanted to talk to you. I was still in my car when I saw 2 masked guys with ladder going up the window. I called my dad's friend who is a police. I followed them and I think they were robbers or were sent I'm not sure because when I walked in, I saw one trying to inject you actually, he already injected you a Little and the other was going through your wardrobe. They saw me come in and they attacked me."
"Godddd! That explains the headache. But what would they want and why?"
"That's not the issue Jossy. Why would you sleep so...

Masked Scars(The Beginning)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن