Chapter 15.

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*Naughty mind*

I went to my room. I picked up my phone no message from anyone. I listened to music till I slept off. My phone rang.
It was Josh. I checked the time it was past 10. I picked the call.
"Hey, where are you?" I asked.
"Put on a cardigan and come to that restaurant few blocks from home."
"What! No way."I declined.
"I can't, you know how the whole thing gets."
"Do what I said."
"Just do it." He interrupted then, hung up. I still had this phobia for night since after Dave, I hated going out alone in the night.
I sat on my bed grumbling and thinking of how I'd go. I didn't want to. What if something happens again?
Eventually, I wore a cardigan and was going to ask Dad to drive me to the restaurant then I received a message.
"Come alone and walk!"
"What the!!? What are you up to Josh??" I mumbled. I told Mom and Dad I was leaving to see Josh and they let me go with the surety of protection from him.
"Won't you drive me?" I told Dad.
"Did he not say you should come alone and walk?"
"Even if. What if something happens to me?"
"Nothing will, now run along." He smiled, dad must have informed them.
Walking on the road I felt so scared. I felt like I was going to be attacked again. At a point I wanted to go back then I got a text,
"Overcome your fears no one's going to hurt you."
It was a short distance but it felt so long. The text was comforting so I swallowed and continued my Journey.
I got to the restaurant and it was closed.
"What's this nigga up to."
My phone beeped. "Come inside."
"But it's locked."
"That's a sign, have you tried opening it?"
I got to the door and it was open.
I entered and saw him sitting at a very far private corner. The corner did  have a window but no one could see the door from there. Plus he was backing the entrance.
I sat on the table where he was. He didn't look at me.
"So I'm here now. You called." I sat opposite him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"
"I didn't want to hurt you I'm sorry."
"Now I found out. Do I hurt? Answer me?"I didn't respond. "We were together all through the night and you didn't say anything."
"I'm sorry Josh."
"I'm not upset." He looked at me and smiled.
"So why all the drama?"
"I wanted you to learn to come out at night once in a while."
"Just that? What if I got attacked or something? Huh?" He laughed
"Nothing can happen as long as I'm here besides, I paid some guys to guard you secretly."
"mm. You didn't think I'll leave you alone, did you?"
"It's not like I'll come out next time." I murmured and rolled my eyes. He heard me and giggled.
"So why did you call me out here?"
"Because I wanted some alone time with you. Actually wanted to take you out on a date today till you annoyed me!"
"You said you aren't upset!"
"At least I was! Doesn't this place look nice? Just the two of us ALONE!" He has that silly smile on.
"And so?" I rolled my eyes
"What are you putting on under your cardigan?" He asked standing up and stood behind me massaging my shoulder softly. I didn't want to fall for his seduction.
"So you called me here to ask what I'm putting on under my sweater?"
"Uhm mm."
"Well I'm wearing nothing cos I planned on seeing someone else tonight. Someone that will make me feel like a woman." Saying this I shoved off his hands and turned to see his Jealous eyes. Hiding the intense laugh building up in me, I continued "You know it's been long I went to the club and it's been long I saw those cute guys with their bare sexy, enticing broad chest."
"Can you just stop already..."
"Stop what?"
"Stop talking already please. I only asked to see if you had a nice top under just incase of pictures. Rather than this big sweater."
"Oh!" I laughed hard.

***Josh's POV.

I knew she always liked playing games so I turned the table around and it felt nice.
"Yeah just that and you've been saying unnecessary things."
"Oh." She widened her eyes
"Mmm." I sat back and called the waiter.
"How in the world can a waiter still be on duty at this hour? Come to think of it, why is this restaurant still open?"
"Nothing, Let's eat." We ate and laughed. Talked about love life and all. I opened to her about my relationships after she left Nigeria I was about telling her about my sex life. I wanted to open up completely to her when she asked,
"So you've had sex right?" She said as she munched her burger. I was in shock and just stared without saying anything.
"Oh come on! You don't have to hide or feel bad about it. Just tell me."
"Yes I have."
"What do you mean cool? Are you okay with it?"
"Yeah sure. I can't have sex with a virgin ." We both laughed. "But at the same time, I wanted to be the first . Well I still love you anyway."

***Jossy's POV

After my unplanned date, we got home had our shower and slept off. There was a lot of cuddles and kisses though.
Few Days later, I left for Singapore. Mom and dad called very often and complained all the time that they miss me. I would always laugh and say I'll be back. I did always chat with Tione and he kept me company. I told him about my boxing training and about my Gun training too. He was very worried about my Gun training but I didn't bother.

**Josh's POV.

A month after Jossy left, we stopped hearing from her. We all got very worried her dad and Sandra but I wasn't all bothered. I left when she left too and anytime they called me to tell Jossy wasn't picking up, I would say they should let her be she's fine. Tony and Sandra were pretty worried. 2 months and still nothing from her. When three months elapsed the tension was high. We felt she was in some sought of trouble because she never mentioned the type of training she was going for. Sandra phoned.

"Hey Aunty."
"Yes are you okay?"
"How will I be okay. Jossy isn't back yet and you've acted like you don't care since she left. What do you expect me to do?" She broke down in tears.
"Now I see where Jossy inherited this from?"
"Come one now aunty you just love crying you know. And who said I don't care. I do call from time to time to check up on you but it's either you are busy or you and "your baby" are busy." I laughed.
"So this is now a joke Josh." She said laughing too and sniffing.
"Listen Aunty, Jossy is fine and she'll be back soon I promise."
"How sure are you? Because it's already 3 months and it's June already."
"You'll be fine. She'll be back. Just take care of yourself okay."
"Yeah I will and why are you in a hurry."
"I'm at work."
"Yeah I forgot to tell you guys. I now work in my dad's company I need my own money too."
"Yeah okay be a good." She said
"Take care of yourself I love you."
"I love you too." I hung up.

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