Lost In This Dream

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He was inching closer to me, his deep chocolate shaded eyes coming to a close just before the gap between our shy lips was about to disappear.

And that's when I woke up.

"What do you mean it's 6am?" I groaned as I planted my face back into the soft pillow upon my bed.

Why on earth was I awake now? This never happens to me, I always sleep like a baby, ask anyone. I think I was having some odd dream though, but like usual I don't even remember it. I never recall my dreams once I'm awake. Oh well.

Realizing I had to pee, to my dismay, I dragged myself from beneath the covers and tiptoed to the bathroom.

After I done my business, I glanced to the mirror and looked into my eyes deeply. Despite the fact I got lost in them, (probably because I was so tired) I suddenly thought of how I wished they were brown.

There's just something about brown eyes that I've always loved. I can't even explain it, they're so beautiful and easy to get lost in and captured by.

My bestfriend had brown eyes, really gorgeous brown eyes. They were probably the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, but that's just a secret I keep within myself.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned off the tap, patting my hands against the towel gently before I wiped the few droplets of water that were left behind onto my pyjamas.

I tiptoed out of the bathroom after I flickered the light off.

Clearing my head of every thought that crossed my mind, I crawled back into bed and headed right into the world of dreams again, where anything is possible. And when I arrived, there they were, his gorgeous brown eyes, just waiting for me.

Is this a Phanfic or real life? (Phan)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora