Chapter 17, A snowball during summer

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The child woke up in Izuku's arms, "Who are you? Are you going to hurt me like that bad man?" she asked with fear clearly in her voice.

"No, I'm not." he replied, "I'm going to be your new dad."

"Mornin'" Bob R greeted.

(I will put R after his name to show it isn't the robot)

"It's the middle of the afternoon. How were you asleep?" Cassidy asked.

"It's a part of life." He replied leaving whilst still in his pyjamas, "Who is the child? Ah well I'll be back soon."

"It's amazing how much exercise he does but still looks the same." Roadhog commented.

Everyone then turned to look at Roadhog, "Same goes for you." Bob R said sticking his head round the corner.

And Roadhog gave chase, "Motivation." Bob R called

(You all know I don't wanna do introductions cos I'm lazy and it will take ages)

"Alright who wants to join me getting the shopping?" Izuku asked with Eri on his shoulders.

"I'll go." Zenyatta said floating along, "Even though I do not eat, I might as well come with you."

As they opened the door they found Bob R and Roadhog each holding an ice cream.

"What happened?" Zenyatta asked.

"Well ya see I got chased to the nearest park and I promised if he stopped chasing me I'll get him some ice cream. That's what happened then we got lost and ended up at Hosu, we got a taxi back."

"How did you get to Hosu?" Izuku asked.

"It was the park in Hosu."

"Nevermind, just go inside."

They walked off to the Saturday sale.

And they encountered the Big Three.

"Oh, Izuku. Who's the child?" Mirio asked.

"My daughter.

{Insert anime style falling over}

She is adopted."

They got back up, "Seriously man." Mirio replied.

"Greetings I am Zenyatta, master of the balls"


Take 2


"Greetings I am Zenyatta. You must be the big three Izuku told us about."


"He told us that you're Tamaki, the blonde one is obviously Mirio because you even said your name, and Nejire, Izuku's crush. Personally I think he is out of your league." He continued saying.

She started blushing as he said this and she covered her face.

"Tamaki hold my child. Zenyatta you have five seconds to run." Izuku told him

"You can't do anything to me I have the power of the Iris."

"Fine, but next time this happens I will get the slipper."

"Please not the slipper."

"Yes the slipper."

"What are you two saying now?"

"In the house, the ultimate weapon is the slipper." Zenyatta told Mirio.


"Hi, I'm Eri." The Snowball spoke up from Tamaki's arms.

She smiled and Nejire and Mirio fainted. Tamaki just gave head pats.

And the rest of the day went on normally.


This is a short chapter. I had no idea what to write, I'll try get a chapter in at least once a week. I might post again today.

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