Thirty-Six: Schemes

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James followed Ian, as he led the way into the library, his steps far too fast for James to follow without jogging. Mrs Custer eyed them suspiciously, displaying the usual aggression most of the staff conveyed when they noticed Ian O'Connell in their territory. James didn't appreciate the attention O'Connell's presence was drawing, especially seeing as he was still supposed to be confined to the detention halls.

"Dolores," Ian nodded, a smug grin twisting his freckled face as he passed the ancient librarian. She just scowled at him, raising an arthritic finger to her lips and hushing him threateningly. James scowled after the consistently disruptive figure of Ian, wondering how he was so easily able to distract himself from their current problem in the hopes of creating havoc.

"O'Connell, just find Iseult," James said, shoving him forward and away from causing the librarian any grief that would land him in back in the detention halls. He knew his freedom would be limited. Once Elmhirst heard rumour of his escape, he would be dragged back in any case. He only hoped that Porter hadn't felt the obligation to report him already.

James gritted his teeth and ran his hands through his hair, trying desperately to banish the frustration that was clouding his thoughts. He watched as Ian moved away towards the back of the library in an impressive blur, his speed creating an unexpected rush of air in his wake, which sent pages flying around the large room. Many students let out yelps and yells of annoyance and surprise to Mrs Custer's fury.

James ducked his head and followed quickly along the path Ian had taken, trying his best to remain inconspicuous. The last thing he needed was O'Connell causing a fuss that landed him in more trouble.

"Well, well, Alexander," a familiar voice drawled. James froze as Lucio Anderson emerged from a shadowed aisle, hemmed in on either side by two impossibly high bookshelves. Each cradled row upon row of old books that smelt of mildewed dust and a century passing.

"The company you keep really has taken a nose dive since you took an interest in Owens".

James glared at Lucio, incensed by his tone and condescension. Lucio had never really cared about Charlotte until she had been elected as Head Girl, but now she seemed to be his favourite source of ammunition for ridiculing James. It wasn't even as if Lucio was the perfect student himself. He just seemed to value himself much higher than he did the rest of his peers. He was jealous of anybody who seemed to achieve more than he did.

"You mean your Head Girl?" James asked tightly, his fists balling. "She was your superior, as am I, so I would remind you to hold your tongue". He loved witnessing the malicious glint that passed over Lucio's pale eyes, a moment of jealous hatred palpable, as James reminded him that both he and Charlotte were valued higher than Lucio was.

"My superior?" Lucio sneered, stepping closer to James. "Haven't you heard? The hierarchy amongst the students has been dissolved. No, ever since your dearest Charlotte couldn't remember her place, Elmhirst has wanted to devolve the whole system. No prefects anymore, no Head Students – everybody is on the same level now".

James forced a laugh, watching Lucio venomously. "I will never be on your level," James replied.

"No – no not when you entertain the likes of Owens and O'Connell. You really have let yourself go this year," he mocked, regarding James coldly.

"Better than grovelling to the likes of Bennett," James hissed, not wanting to move towards Iseult and Ian as long as Lucio was watching him, not wanting their meeting to be overheard.

Lucio didn't reply for a moment, but just watched James with a bemused grin. "Speaking of Bennett," he said in a smug tone. "I thought he had confined you to detention?"

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