A Final Few Words... For Now...

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So this is the end of Hunted... But do not fret - it's not the end of Charlotte and her altered friends!

I also want to say a million thank yous to all of you who are reading these words right now - you are the people who have been with Charlotte, James, Matt and I from the beginning and I hope you have enjoyed their story! There are too many of you to name, some of you who I don't even have names to mention, but I appreciate your support all the same! The response has been humbling and crazy! I just hope you know how much I valued your interest, opinions and votes! 

Please keep an eye on what I'm doing next, because it might be something you are interested in and make sure to follow me in case I start a sequel, or perhaps even a prequel to Altered and Hunted! Who knows! 

If you have any opinions, comments or anything to say in general please don't hesitate to PM me or comment below - I would love to get an insight on what you thought of the entire story as it is now or if you have any unanswered questions! And if you are ever curious on what I am working on next just drop me a message and I'll get back to you asap!

I feel sort of sad writing this now... and a little panic-stricken, but it has to be done! I am so glad to have you all on this journey with me! And I'm rambling now because I am afraid to actually stop typing... 

Goodbye for now... but not for long...

To be continued... 

Sorcha x

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