Thirty-Seven: The Price of Inspiration

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The others didn't linger much longer after Ian and Annakiya had left, fearing that their not-so-secret hiding space would soon be discovered. In any case it was nearly supper time and their presence was expected in the Food Hall. James moved with them through the Old School, weaving along the path in a half-daze, only slowly becoming aware of the conversation going on about him. Distractedly he watched Carrie walk ahead of them, scattering the crowd easily with his bulging size. James' mind was reeling, the excitement and fear of what was still to come shaking him to his very core.

It was strange to think of seeing Charlotte again. If the circumstances had been different it would have been everything he had wanted, but he had forced her away without taking her opinions into consideration. And he knew very well, just how much that would have only angered her. It worried him that she may hate him, or that she wouldn't care about him anymore. It also worried him that she had been away for so long with Desmarais. He trusted him to keep her safe, but he also knew that Desmarais' feelings weren't exactly platonic when it came to Charlotte. He liked to believe that none of that really matter as long as she was safe, but that was a lie. It did matter. It mattered in every sense.

"Elmhirst has to make the first move," Ethan said in a hushed voice, breaking into James' thoughts, as they walked towards the Food Hall. James continued to duck his head as they passed other students who may wonder at his sudden reappearance.

According to Ethan, his detention had become legendary. Everybody knew that he wasn't meant to resurface until the patrons returned. It seemed to be the same story with Freya, though her detention had landed her in the hospital wing on a more permanent basis.

"And he will make that move soon, but if we act before he has the chance, we will not get the sympathy and support from all the other students," he continued.

"Surely they see the injustice of this place – they will support us," James pressed.

"Fear still holds a lot of them in place and others don't see anything wrong in what Elmhirst is doing," Ethan continued. "This is the way it has always been. They don't know anything else, or they choose to ignore what other options we do have".

"Indoctrination will mean many will still stand against us," Iseult added.

"So what do we do?" James asked.

Iseult and Ethan glanced at each other for a moment, an unspoken conversation passing between them. James watched them, unable to recall when they had become so inseparable, so in tune that entire, unspoken conversations could pass in glances.

"Not us – you," Ethan said slowly, halting to meet James' g. "You are still the precious Head Boy".

"I am the precious ex-Head Boy who got the entire senior year thrown into detention," James countered, not sure if he liked where this was going.

"No – that happened in spite of your best efforts," Ethan countered. "Elmhirst was the one who punished us all".

"You nearly died, because of me," James growled. "Because of everything I have done". Regret seemed to be his constant companion lately, and it didn't take much to be reminded of how close Ethan had come to death that day in the hospital.

"Well let's make it count for something then," Iseult interrupted, her tone suddenly tight. James knew that she was reliving Ethan's close call too. "Look he is trying to make you appear the villain, but you have to be the hero. You have to challenge his power, his standing. You have to do something that will force him into a rage, into an overreaction – and it has to be soon, James. Bennett may have already tracked her down and..."

James gritted his jaw, his face contorting with a fresh wave of anger and fear, causing Iseult to pause. He would never have sent her away if it meant that Bennett was the one to come after her. She would have been better here. He frowned, knowing that wasn't true. This was hardly better. She was safe nowhere, and that was what was killing him inside. It was what made him want to fight.

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