10 | departure

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10:00 AM - Team Orser Meeting

I sat around with the other coaches looking through the paperwork for the upcoming season that was to begin with Javi and Yuzu's competitions next week.

Japan Open and Finlandia Trophy.

"So the head coaches and I have been deciding who would go with which skater for their competition." Orser began and pulled out a white board with a t-chart. One header was filled in with "Javier" and the other with "Yuzuru".

I skimmed the chart for my name and I bit my lip.

I was going to travel with Yuzu again. I frowned. What if he acts like a jerk again. What if I do something stupid? What if he pisses me off again. What if-

"Hmm, Nora, do you not like how this is arranged?" Tracy interrupted my thoughts.

Startled, I shook my head quickly, "Nono, I'm fine, I'm good with this arrangement."


- - - - - - - - - -

"Flight xxx to Espoo, Finland is boarding now." The flight attendant announced.

"That's us you guys." Tracy pulled her carry-on behind her.

I tugged Yuzu's arm who was absorbed in his video game.

The way things worked were that Yuzu and I would sit together and Orser and Tracy would sit together to work on training plans and other stuff coaches do.

I took the inside seat and settled down.

Yuzu sat down next to me still having his eyes glued to the video game screen. People walked past us as the airplane continued to fill up the surrounding seats.

= = = = = = = = = =

Me: Hey Mommy, I'm just texting you to tell you that I'm on the plane to Espoo.

Mom: ...Espoo?

Me: Finland. Europe? OKay, I have to go, I'll text you when I get there."

= = = = = = = = = =

The flight attendant began their speech about safety and stuff like that. I shut off my phone as the plane made its way to the runway.

I nudged Yuzu to turn his game console off too and he just nodded.

The plane trembled as we took off and when we were given the O.K. to unbuckle, I lowered the tray in front of me and took out my calculus workbook, calculator, and pencil. It was around an eight hour flight, so might as well. The numbers and letters all seemed to blend together as I tried to focus.

"You need help?" Yuzu leaned over a bit, close enough to where his hair was almost touching my cheeks.

"Ehhhh?!" I scooted towards the window seat and he just stared at me.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hmm? Where's Yuzu?" I looked at the entrance of the rink at the time he usually comes in.

"Oh, he's not here today." Javi crept up behind me, "He went back to Japan to finish his last ice shows for the off-season." He took off his skate guards and stepped onto the ice.


He's already gone? Why am I even thinking about him? He was only back for a day and he leaves again. I scoffed under my breath.

"I'm surprised you didn't know? You were in charge of his papers, weren't you?"

"Uh, yeah. I just forgot."

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