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"Happy Birthday Harry"

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"Happy Birthday Harry"

Harry felt himself stir as a soft whisper invaded his subconscious mind, he knew the soft, velvety voice, the tingling sensation of his mark confirmed his sleepy thoughts. He could faintly smell her rich perfume.

Turning over, exhausted by the days events he peeked up at his soulmate, beautiful, he thought to himself.

Sitting up, he found her smiling warmly at him, her beautiful warm smile which only a few ever had the chance to come across, rested on her lips, making Harry unconsciously follow her actions. Smiling himself.

"You're seventeen" she breathed as she leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

Harry felt his insides warming up as butterflies danced around in his stomach. He pulled Cordelia closer to himself as he deepened the kiss.

"Sirius and Remus are waiting, downstairs" she informed him, her forehead resting against his.

Harry nodded as he sat up straight, as Cordelia was about to get up thinking that Harry would follow, she was stopped by the birthday boy himself.

"I want to say something" Harry started as he pulled her to sit back down, Cordelia sat down as she searched Harry's eyes for what was going on in his mind, "I wanted to say, thank you Cordelia. Not only for wishing me happy birthday today but ever since we met, our third year, I am so glad you came to Hogwarts. Looking back I cannot imagine what would I be doing had it not been for you there. Even if we were quarrelling or cross with each other, you were there. You've always been there for me, I never went to sleep without getting wished and showered with love and presents on my birthdays ever since you came into my life. Everytime we are on a mission, my heart aches knowing I am the reason you're in this mess and the small moment where relief washes over me when I see you're safe, I cannot explain. You've kept me from going troll, you-you" Harry had tears streaming down his face as he inhaled deeply, words getting stuck in his throat, "You are a blessing. An angel and I love you, with my whole heart. Every inch of me loves you." he finished as he pulled Cordelia in a hug.

Feeling Cordelia tighten her arms around his neck, Harry buried his face in between her neck and shoulder, tears continued to slip past his eyes.

Cordelia swallowed a cry that wanted to escape her lips, she pulled herself closer to Harry as the two continued to cry.

The two, so young themselves had gone through hardships that no one besides them understood. They've both felt the loss and faced death, only ever thinking of changing the world around them, so that the other could walk freely and safe. Only wanting the other to be happy, only having each other at times when everyone else turned away from them. Their love sailed through the toughest of storms and they had yet to graduate from Hogwarts.

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