Chapter 1 the beginning

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*your in a dark alley way. Pro hero hawks asked you to meet him there*

Hmmm... Hawks said to meet me here right..?

*You stand there waiting for Hawks to arrive*

Ugh.. this is taking to long I'm leaving

*You start to walk away when suddenly your hear a voice in the shadows saying (Y/N..) it sends shivers down your spine*


*You freeze in your place when you see the person walk out of the shadows it's Tomura Shigaraki*

Shigaraki: Y/N...~

*You try to move but your body won't move*

W-What do you want!?

*Tomura Shigaraki walks over to you and grabs your chin. It makes you blushes a bit*

Shigaraki: Nothing just for you to join the league of villians you'll be a great villian..~

*His voice sends more shivers down your spine*

I-I will never join the league of villians!

*Tomura pins you up against the wall*

Shigaraki: Either join or I'll make you..~

*You blush from the sudden action  and freeze up*

Shigaraki: Aww~ how cute the little heros blushing

*Shigaraki grins and moves closer to your face*

Shigaraki: I wonder if you'll blush more if I kiss you~

*Shigaraki kisses you the kiss is long and passionate*


*Shigaraki pulls away and smirks*

Shigaraki: Your quite the cutie pie..~

*Shigaraki pulls out a rag and puts it over your mouth making you pass out*

Shigaraki: hehe.. Kurogiri take us back to the hide out.

*Kurogiri nods and opens a portal Shigaraki picks you up and walks through the portal Kurogiri follows then closes the portal*

Shigaraki: He's as light as a feather..

*Shigaraki grabs a chair and puts you on it and ties you up*

Shigaraki x Male Reader (Omega verse,gay)Where stories live. Discover now