2. Dispute and dolour

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Hey guys I'm back with an update!
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"Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, I've painted my ankle black for sympathy." Aarohi scoffed. A painful looking bruise was forming on her ankle.

When people you don't know behave so rudely, it doesn't bother you that much. However, Aarohi's behaviour was on a whole another level of strange. Anyone who would look at her face could clearly tell something was wrong. She was wincing in pain but still argued back. Her saviour shook his head at her audacity as he watched her struggle to walk away.

"Why are you jumping around like a monkey? Come here." He pulled her against her will, not that she had any more strength to resist. He helped her sit down on a bench at the side of the arena and then quickly rushed of to fetch what seemed like a paste with a cloth that looked like a bandage.

"My brothers, Nakul and Sahadev made it, it'll help with reducing the inflammation." He told her, while Aarohi's mind quickly put the two and two together and realised it was Arjun she'd bumped into.

"And you are Arjun... right?"

"Didn't realise I was famous."

"You're not, I just met your mother. Doesn't exactly take a genius to guess." She answered back, knowing damn well how famous he actually was.

"Ouch, way to break my heart, Madhav's rude sister." Of course, the news of her arrival had reached every ear in the palace by now.

Aarohi couldn't help but roll her eyes at the comment. Everyone expected her to behave or act a certain way when they'd come to know who she was 'related' to, as if it was a standard that was necessary to maintain.

"Tell me where it hurts." Arjun asked as he came towards her.

"I'll do it myself, you can go back to practising archery. It seems like you need it..." Aarohi spoke, asking for help was against her every rule because it would only entail a favour that she'd have to return. Also it felt so silly, after all she was the doctor. 'But not in this era I guess.'

"And it seems like you need to practice how to shut up." He said as he began preparing a bandage then bent down in front her to treat the injury, but halted as he saw her very strange footwear.

"No wonder you got your ankle twisted, look at these shoes! Do you willingly choose to wear and walk in these?" He commented, taken aback. Who in their right mind would torture themselves like this? He thought.

'Shit! I totally forgot about the heels'

"Look, if you wanna comment on my shoe choices, then maybe it's better I'd go!" She said, as if he was the one who was acting crazy, boring her obsidian eyes into his.

But instead of saying something, Arjun simply went on to examine the ankle and pressed it a bit, causing Aarohi to break the gaze and grip the stone bench even harder. "Where are you gonna go to? Hmm?" He asked nonchalantly while Aarohi hissed and bit back a snarky retort.

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