7. An awkward situation

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Also I have answered the questions asked for the Q&A at the end.


Aarohi swiftly hid behind a large column before she could be spotted by Vrikasura or Dushasan. A dangerous mix of emotions swirled inside her mind like thunder clouds that were about to burst.

Rage, anger and hatred... it's been said that these are the worst emotions anyone can ever feel in the rush of a moment. They only give rise to everything destructive and evil, filling you with a chilling sense of dread and draining away your strength.

But they are as human to experience as all the other ones... no one can fully control themselves from facing these.

Aarohi stood there planning, as the two men left, leaving the doors Vrikasura's room wide open, inciting an array of possibilities in her mind. A part of her somewhere deep inside knew that acting on impulse would only get her deeper into the quicksand... but all she wanted was to keep going.

Those open doors just looked so inviting.

Alas, she did it.

She sneaked inside his room, which reeked of alcohol so badly that she had to cover her nose and breathe through her mouth. It was appallingly cluttered and generally a mess.

It seemed like not even a dasi felt safe enough to set foot in his room.

"Why do I keep doing stupid things?" Aarohi grimaced at the sight as she took a step forward into the room.

Man, how she wished she had some gloves and a mask on hand.

Aarohi's scrutinising gaze scanned the room, surveying carefully in hopes of finding anything that could be used against him. Unfortunately, nothing of that sort could be found just by taking a look around, no matter how thorough. If she wanted something, she would have to get her hands involved.

So like an expert criminal, she first wrapped her hands in her long scarf, praying she wouldn't get infected by some weird disease and then began searching through Vrikasura's belongings kept in the dresser, all while simultaneously placing them back to exactly how they were kept before. She searched through the closets, drawers and even from a pile of random stuff thrown away in a corner.

"Damn! Does he have a hidden room for his secrets or something? Because there's no way this slimy guy doesn't have any." Aarohi groaned in frustration. At this point she just wanted to write 'I know what you did' on the wall above the bed in blood red paint and slam a knife into it. But of course, even she would not do anything that rash, it might be traced back to her in light of the recent events.

She was looking for something more, well how can you put it... ah, yes... political.

She was looking for something political...

From what she understood in the few days she'd spent here in Hastinapur, she had come to know that there were many who'd be more interested in political secrets of a royal, rather than any other ones, no matter how scandalous. Hence, if she got her hands on something political, the suspicion level would be low as it would most likely be directed towards the known enemies. Plus, it would create more panic than something personal.

But where could she find anything like that?

It's not like those secrets were simply kept in plain sight or something... were they?

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