9. Comfort from a 'stranger'

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Hello friends, here is the chapter and please make sure you VOTE and leave a COMMENT on your favourite parts, it makes the author very happy. 🥺💕


The grand palace of Angdesh glittered majestically in the sunlight as the most fragrant flowers were showered on the guests inside it's tall walls, who all had come there on the momentous occasion of Karna's coronation two days later.

Aarohi and Krishna stood with the Pandavas, experiencing it all. The Pandavas had reached well in time but they were slightly late because during the ten minutes that they had to ride in a carriage so it wouldn't seem like they'd appeared out of thin air, Aarohi had complained nonstop about the carriage moving unsteadily, violating all safety parameters (according to her), while Krishna, who had sat opposite to her, laughed uncontrollably.

Aarohi smoothed her hair down, which were a bit messed up thanks to the awful carriage ride while simultaneously trying to get the flower petals out of her hair as more and more kept on coming.

Arjun, who was standing besides her, chuckled with a hand over his mouth.

"What's so funny Arjun?" Aarohi asked the obvious, with a roll of her eyes.

"Need some help?" Arjun snickered as he moved his hand to take a petal out of her hair, but she immediately slapped his hand away.

"I think you should always keep your hair like this. Who knows? Maybe if you're lucky some bird will be friendly enough to make her nest on your head." He joked and naturally, Aarohi grumbled, looking away with a frown. But what she didn't notice was that Arjun's eyes lingered a bit too long at her, as if he didn't want to look away. Those little hair strands that came out of her complicated up-do made her look adorable, a striking contrast to her usually haughty attitude. In all honesty, Arjun thought slightly messy hair actually looked the best on her.

Sighing dejectedly, Aarohi had to accept the fate of her hair, she would fix it later. Then looking besides her, she found Arjun staring with a smile. Thinking he was making fun of her, she scoffed and moved to get out of there.

"Ouch!" But she stopped as she realised her hair was stuck in his jewels. Aarohi instead had to turn around to try and pry it out.

"Hey, hey, easy there! Do you want to rip your hair out?"

"I don't care, it would be better ripped than being stuck in your stupid jewellery! Why do you even have to wear more jewellery than the women here?" She hissed as she tried to yank it out. This time, Arjun was the one to roll his eyes as he removed her hand and tried to get the strand out himself, while a glaring Aarohi watched on.

"Aarohi... did you know what happened to Vrikasura the day we left Hastinapur?" Arjun said, trying to distract Aarohi with something he knew she'd want to hear.

"What? Tell me!" She asked wide eyed, anticipation filling her up to the brim but Arjun just smirked, his attempt had been successful.

"Oh, look who wants to know! Well, miss this information will not come for free. You will have to compensate me." He leaned closer to her, tilting his face down, forgetting about the hustle of people around them, as if they were the only two people in the world. "Excuse me...?" She pushed him away, pressing a perfectly manicured fingernail to his chest. His deep laugh reverberated through her body, as he backed away, making her shiver as an unusual feeling swirled in her stomach.

'What kind of compensation did he want? A k-' She shook her head, abandoning the thought as quickly as it came.

"Hmm... something doesn't feel right. Have you gotten a few inches taller Aarohi?" He looked her up and down.

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