Episode 6

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Punguzhali Pov:

"Tie the thaali" I heard iyaar voice. I looked at my right side only to see him, who is looking at the thaali with so much of sadness.

"You could have stopped this marriage" I says to him.

I tried a lot to stop this marriage beforehand like tried to speak with him. Only to know that he was out of india to Australia for some work.

Iyaar is asking him to tie the thalli.

I looked ahead only to see the happiest couple who is getting married with so much of love. My sister and his brother.

"If you don't want to, you can stop the marr..." before I complete he tied the thaali.

"Your life is doomed" I says as soon as he tied the thali.

"It was already doomed" he replies.

After every rituals we were asked to leave the marriage hall.

Okay it's time for leaving my family.

"Mumma take care" I says to her.

To which she just hugged me and strated to cry.

"Thanks for everything for putting up with me. Am sorry mumma if I ever, naah I know I always hurted you with my words mumma. Am sorry, as dad says you should have aborted me mumma."

"No ammu, you are a very sweet baby ammu. It's the veil which you are using to cover yourself. You are nothing but a hidden gem ammu. I hope you will have a great life ahead." she says while kissing my forehead.

I hugged her tightly.

"Am sorry mumma. " I agian says.

She wiped my tears.

"Wherever you go you will just spread the happiness ammu." she says while kissing my cheeks.


"Why this room is decorated?" I asks.

"Mmmm for our first night" I heard his voice.

"Shit" i shouts. I thought he is not present

" Woah, did I really frightened you? "

" Yes you, idiot. "I shouts.

" Hello Mrs..... What is your name actually? "he asks me.

" Are you sure you dont know my name? "

" Well I don't have any interest in marraige at all in first place. This is not even a marriage to me. "

" Well it's mutual. "I retarded.


One more place where I was a unwanted person. Nice.

" Name? "

" What you gonna do with knwoing my name? "

" Well many people may ask me to introduce you. So I have to introduce you right. "he asks me.

"Punguzhali" I says.

"Am thiraviam. "

"I know it, am not like some dumb person." I says.

He looks irritated

"Why you didn't stopped this damn marraige?"

"Look" he started to be serious.


" See I agreed to this marraige. Since If not you, definitely my parents and my brother are going to search for an another woman. I thought you would be the best choice for me in this life that's why? "

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