Episode 11

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"So, friends?" he showed me his hand for a shake.

I nods at him with a smile. I don't know why, but I just accepted his friendship. Might be because of not having much friends. But one thing is sure, he is good at heart.

"But again let me reiterate to you. I can be a charming person, so don't fall, for me okay?"

"Am not meant to fell in love ever" I reply to him.

"Oh common woman."

"Am all ears" he says to me.

I took a breath.

"Well my story is not a good one or something. It's just a ordinary one with extra sadness that's it."

He didn't said anything.

"From a small kid, I was yearned for my dad's love. Since he always showered his love only on Shivani Whereas me always get a scoldings. Its my mom who always treat us equally. "

"Because I was a bad omen child. When my mom was conceived with me, my dad had a severe accident, from that time every bad things started to happen. Like my dad got expelled from his work. And my grandpa died. Everything happened in line. So my grandma and dad wanted my mom to get aborted. But my mom was very persistent on having me. Finally she had me. "

" But on having me, my grandma died, my dad literally thought am the reason for their every misery. My dad never ever had me in his arms when I was child. When I was 4, my parents had Shivani. The man who never touched me, never even put Shivani down for a little time. He always had her in his arms. He was very fond of her. Even he didn't allowed me to touch her. I grown up in the environment, where everyone will see me as whatever I do will never end in good. "

" Always my dad will  scold me for every small mistakes I do. But in case of my sister, he will never scold her even if she did a bigger mistake. "

" In small age I used to do a lot to get his attention but was never succeed in it. "

"And when I was 10, I had a severe pain in my stomach. So I was asked to undergo the sca  and everything like usual procedures then doctor identified that I had a Appendicitis. So I had gone through the operation. But that was not the shock to us. Its after the operation, that doctors identified that, I don't have a uteus. Upon testing my whole body. They declared that am having a syndrome and they explained everything to my parents. "

" That is the time when my dad started to hate me so much. I was already a bad omen to my family. With that few more characterisation were added. That am the disgrace, am the unfortunate... So on."

"I was very scared. When doctor informed me I didn't even had any idea. All I did seen was my mom cryings. Who was cried for 1 week. If I ask her anything she will say that am fine."

"After 3 years, I asked my mom what is meant by period. That too after my sister attained her puberty. I aksed her that why I didn't had any function like her. Then my mom explained me that I won't get any such. You are different from everyone."

"I still remember how my mom searched for words to tell me in a comforted way. That day I couldn't able to understand fully. But later when I started to grow up I understand that what it means." I wiped my tears.

"I accidently opened up this with one of my best friend only to get betrayed. She informed everything to everyone. Even the school turned to me a hell, until then it will be only the home would be hell. But after that day I was unwanted in bith school, and home."

"Whne I fisnihed my college, and joined in a job. There comes the another hell, marraige." I chucked.

"My dad wanted to marry me off to a widow or divorcee. But my mom was not accepted at first. But after looking out for few proposals my mom understood that this unfortunate woman won't get married if not for a divorcee or widow."

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