Seed 6 - Once more Unicorn

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3rd POV

Right now we can see the Aegis and Strike are transporting both the POW and the VIP since they were on the Aegis plus the pilot of the Aegis was on a shock that Lacus was pregnant but in reality it was her dress as she was inside of the Aegis as she sit infront while the Nicol was sitting down at the back as the alarm of the Strike was heard they look at the right and saw a two group of GiNNs, few CGUE and the new model ZGMF - 1015 CGiNN

Lacus:What are the Sleeves doing 

Athrun:I don't know and I want to know 

With that Athrun tries to contact the Sleeves since they got out their mobile suits and what shock him was he saw the Red Comet Char Frontal in the battle with full speed, Meanwhile with the remains of the 8th Fleet, Archangel and the Shadow Garden they saw the contacts while Jude was almost there and he takes aim with his Beam Magnum and fires while three GiNNs are hit and the Red Comet  was shock that he saw the Unicorn  

Char:It can't be!? Unicorn here

Char was shock to see the Unicorn since he was from the UC and he knows the Unicorn with that he ordered his men to attack the EA's Strike while Char will dash to the Unicorn as he draws his Heat Sword while at them sametime Jude saw this and he active his Beam Tonfa and blocks it 

Char:Well, well I didn't think that we meet once more Banagher Links

Jude:Well you got the wrong person Char

As Jude answer Char got shock since the pilot of the Unicorn its not Banagher Links but another person as Jude swing his Beam Tonfa to the right and Char backs up while at another side of space we can see two Gundams are coming in and it was the Duel and the Buster and they are coming towards the four ship along with some CGUE and GiNNs while leading them is Rau but the AA and other guns of the ship started to fire while moving as well the Shadow Garden Deploy some Zakus on the ship to add fire power

Jude:Good they are moving to the Location of the 7th Fleet 

As Jude was looking at the four ship but on instinct he feel someone going to attack him but it was the Red CGiNN and swing his blade but block by Jude 

Char:Ho you do have the power of a NewType and looks like I was not the only person who been reborn in this new Era tell me who are you and why do you have the Unicorn 

Jude:I don't have to answer that question Char

With that Jude kicks him away and start to fly towards the Shadow Garden and along the way was a large fire of both Mobile Suits and ships but on his luck he can block the fires from the Mobile Suits with his Shield since it has a I-Field generator is built into the center, enhancing the shield's defensive power. The I-Field can block beam attacks from beam sabers to battleship-class beam fire. The shield also has four psycho-frame panels to enhance its toughness and to increase the amount of psycho-frame carried by the mobile suit. but now he can take it much longer but to active the N-TD system 


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As it was in N-DT mode Jude dash towards forward as he fires his 60mm Vulcan Gun to the GiNNs and CGUE as he was going towards his ship while the he was almost there Char goes full speed and fights with Jude and he felt behind and he turn as he dr...

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As it was in N-DT mode Jude dash towards forward as he fires his 60mm Vulcan Gun to the GiNNs and CGUE as he was going towards his ship while the he was almost there Char goes full speed and fights with Jude and he felt behind and he turn as he draws one of his Beam Saber and Fires his Beam Magnum and the ammo he has left was around two more shot so he fire the first one but it was a miss but the second one was a hit on the head while Jude rush at Char he first cut the legs and he goes at the back to cut the backpack but Char turns and blocks it 

Jude:Shit no good I have to full back and I am 100% a newtype since the psycho-frame Response on me since the Kshatriya and right now 

With that he starts to pull back to the Shadow Garden Meanwhile with Char since his team pick him up and his Mobile Suit

Char:Heh looks like this Pilot its not like Banagher and it will be a repeat of history with Char and Amuro Ray   

Meanwhile with Jude he was in the Shadow Garden But he lost his conscious since he was in the space of the Unicorn 


I-LOVE-SABER:Hello looks like the Unicorn has its debut and I hope you like it and sorry it was a short chapter and drop a vote here

I-LOVE-SABER:Hello looks like the Unicorn has its debut and I hope you like it and sorry it was a short chapter and drop a vote here

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