Seed 8 - Moving to meet rebel Forces (Part 1)

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Jude POV 

Right now the plan is in monition but as long as Murrue doesn't go and try to be a hero to help the Rear Admiral and now I saw some small ships are going in and out of the Shadow Garden plus on the show it was a shitty Idea to move them to the Menelaos and I am sorry Mira looks like you won't fight until we landed on earth 

Shadow CIC:Sir all system are ready to go and the Archangel is ready to descending  

Jude:Alright we are going to start to move

3rd POV

Before the plan was start we can see Flay, Sai, Miriallia, Tolle, Kuzzey and Mira on the cafeteria along infront of them is Mu and he starts to explan the plan the was propose from Jude since right now they are in a shock, Why do they need to move more and not letting the civilians to transfer to the 8th fleet and Mu gave the reason to them 

Mu:As for the reason why Jude propose has raise alot of points the EA has military Launch since it's raise alot of red flags for the civilians to get killed so we are going to drop them in one of Orbs settlement on earth but for now we need to do our best and look at Jude, the young commander I feel he really cares for civilians whether they are Coordinator or not 

Kuzzey:I see well Jude made points there Plus I don't understand Military 

Sai:Jude made a good call there plus I think most of the EA force will not have the time to protect the ship  

Mira:But without Jude maybe the civilians will 

Flay:But how about us, the Volunteers 

Mu:Well Jude told me if you want to get out of Volunteering for helping this ship well we can made a Discharged permission letter since its a crime for Civilians to take part in combat don't worry we will give those letter to you guys plus the letter can evade it, you've been recognized as volunteer soldiers having entered the military the day you boarded the ship

Miriallia:I see but I made my choice to stay and help up until we reach to Alaska 

Tolle:Samehere if where Miriallia goes I go

Sai:I stay on Flay's side, what about you Flay

Flay:I want to help up 

Sai:Ok so me and Flay will stay how about you Mira

Mira:Well you guys are staying so will I

Mu:(Muttered so quietly):Well Jude expected that (Normal voice): Right now we are going to start to descending and oh Mira can you stay for abit

With that Mira's friends are going back to the Bridge while she stays as Mu goes closer to her as he doesn't want other to know what is he going to say 

Mu:Mira make sure you really lock up the Strike since on the meeting back at the Shadow Garden Jude told us that EA compromise and mostly hellbend on killing not just ZAFT but Coordinator as well whether if they are Orb Citizen or not

Mira:Eh?! did Jude said that 

Mu:Yeah plus alot of EA and ZAFT forgotten the rules of engagement of present of civilians

With that the both of them leave the cafeteria while Mira was on her way to the Strike since she is thinking about what Mu said Meanwhile back to the Bridge we can see the Crew are in a final check up as Jackie was on Radar and Dalida was checking up the systems 

Dalida:Ma'am all systems are ready to go 

Arnold:The food that was send from the Montgomery and the Menelaos is done and now they are starting to move into a defensive positions 

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