Seed 20 - Battle of Orb and Justice with Freedom

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3rd POV

Now the whole members of the two ship and Cagalli and Erica as now, Erica will tell them about all the total of the Mobile Suit as well the one will stay and the other that will go to other places of Orb since the plasce they are in is a top secret right now and now Erica will showing them the Mobile suits.

Erica:The first one to show is the RAG-79 Aqua GM, OZ-08MMS Cancer and the OZ-09MMS Pisces since we recall some of the Navy as we modify our aircraft carriers to accommodate the units, Most vessels are currently out on patrol, with only one at berth right now. Since I asked Lord Uzumi to recall the fleets but he wanted them at sea as a visible deterrent

Jude:Means that we have to stuck with land based air support Mobile suits and Carriers fighters huh

Duane:But its better than nothing

Erica:I agree but thanks for Commander Teves here

Now all eyes on the Young Commander while Graves just smiled on this since right now he is the star of the show while Jude was panicking abit but he kept his nerves clamed down.

Mu:And the Reusit since Commander Teves did gave you the data

Erica:It blows them right out of the water in all categories. Better Armaments, better aromr, better engine specs, superior dive depth and maneuverability... and the ability to transform between sub and mobile suit forms its a huge advantage: for an under water MS as for the Pisces the same reusuit but for the Aqua GM really good since it can go from underwater and to Land as for that Thank you Commander Teves

Jude:Its ok since we did hold a request as well to get a handful

Erica:I see, next we go the Mobile Suits both the RGM-89 Jegan and as well the RGM-96X Jesta since we used the Data from the Sinanju

Now that got Jude's attention since they just requested both the Mobile suit and the Data but if he bet, they used the Frame of the Sinanjus and apply it to both the Jegans and as well the Jestas

Erica:Beside the weird crystal like on the Sinanju, it made both the Jegans and the Jesta three or more times than the Normal reusit and next is the Delta Pluses, we didn't improved anything but it just stay the same as for the both Jegans and Jesta we didn't added the weird crystal as for the cockpits we didn't use the Sinanju but some bits of it as well design of our personal cockpit as well.

Murrue:But the numbers of the Mobile suit that you have build its around 300-400 or so, since Orb shipped out the Mobile suit, now that's left us just 170 Mobile suits here

Now everyone is just thinking about the numbers right now but For Jude he was thinking the most if this is enough to counter then as well to hold

Jude:It can't be help since it's better than nothing

Duane:Indeed but if you want help for transporting you can send some Mobile Suits on my ship since we are going to help you

Grave:Well that's a reasonable thing since we need all the helping hand we need, Commander Teves I will lead the Ground team Mobile suit with my Personal Sinnaju

Jude:You, sure Graves

Graves:I am plus if you are worried

Graves looks at Duane

Graves:Can you send Nine with me on the ground team

Duane:I can since he will pilot the Biliz Mobile suit

Jude:Fine but don't die that's an order

Graves just saluted to him and now Jude looks around

Jude:Right now we are done looking on the inventory of our Mobile Suit lets go to Lord Athha

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