Seed 27 - Axis Shock, united as one

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This part will be the last episode of Season one

3rd POV

EA Leader Fleet:FIRE!!

Now we can see the EA ships are firing every guns they have on the Axis right now as starting to fire their Nukes but they were shot down by something smaller as we can go closer we can see the Rebuild Calamity Gundam was modified that can used the Funnels and it using around 24 right now and the Calamity start so fire on all of EA Ships, Mobile Armor and Mobile suits as they are either disabled or destroyed

On the Joan of Arc, Agamemnon-class as it shaked the ship while the EA Leader fleets holds onto its sit since now he needs to take care of the Rock that coming to Earth

Joan Of Arc Helmsman:Sir we lost almost of all 70% of our Mobile Suits and Amon as for the fleet most of them are ether disabled and destroyed we have to pull back and call for reinforcements

EA Leader Fleet:We can't just leave it alone, if that rock comes down to earth we lose and not to mention all of Earth Alliance and keep calling Lunar Base for reinforcement

Joan Of Arc CIC:Yes sir

While for FULL he was really grateful right now since he knows that he and Char Frontal are one of the same now as he was about to fire once more suddenly he was interrupted by the Justice's Meteor Unit while the Freedom was still in repairing right now since it was damaged alot from the battle while the Pilot was tired while behind of Justice is the remaining forces of ZAFT and Londo Bell ships and Mobile suit as the other starts to rescue the EA troops while the other starts to attack.


Now FULL goes full speed with his Rebuild Calamity Gundam and fires as well and a follow up with Neo Zeon Color Mobile suit, red , white and black as for the Models are GuAIZ, GINN, all of Models beside the Ceremonial Decoration Type, DINN, CGUE and the CGINN as well the Laurasia-class and Nazca-class are attacking at each other as well disabled.

As for Char, as he is on the control room, he saw this as he was mad right now since it remind him of the first Axis Shock as Angelo saw this and goes infront of him

Angelo:Don't worry Commander me and my squad will take care of it

Now Angelo goes to kiss him and goes out and meet the enemy on the front and we go to see the Bilz Gundam as he fired "Lancer Dart" Hypervelocity Kinetic Energy Penetrator and Beam Rifle on the DINNs that is comming towards him

Nine:Damnit all there is more than GENESIS

Now behind him is a Squad of Dagger mobile suit and it was the Strike versions and they are using the Sword packs as they pull up their Beam Sword and Nine ready its Beam Saber but they pass through the Blitz right now and cuts down the CGUE as he smiled and goes on helping them next a group of ZAFT mobile suit help out as the Londo Bell ships coving the retreating EA ships

Next was the Rebuild Calamity Gundam goes to fight the three Sinnaju Pilot but FULL just fired his "Kaefer Zwei" 2-barrel 115mm ram cannon on the shield while Isis blocks it and a other follows up but FULL lets go of the Bazooka and opening a compartment for a Beam Saber and dashese towards one of the Sinnaju and cuts the torso of Dallein

Isis:You bastard

Wick:Isis wait

Now Isis's Sinnaju goes to use the beam Axe and draws the Beam Saber and fires her 60mm Vulcan Gun while FULL dance around the battlefield as he dodged a shot from WIck's while Isis got this chace she goes to grab the Bazooka and fires it on FULL as fast as she could and it was a hit and another form Wick's with his Grenade Launcher on the beam rifle and fires as he goes to follow up it with the Beam Rilfe shots along with Isis and it exploded.

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