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Lana pov

Cesar wasn't there when i woke up, after last night we fell asleep

And i woke up to Olivia being asleep in her bed, and Cesar not in mine.

"hey" Olivia yawned as i sat up

"Hi, liv" i smiled as she looked at me

"Cesar leave?" she asked as i shrugged

"When i came in around 11 you guys were asleep" she said getting up as i chewed on my lip

"Oscar might of called him back" i said standing up going to my closet, grabbing a hoodie and shorts as she smiled before leaving

And somehow i was on the back of Rudy's bike, going to Freeridge Park.

"So what are we looking for?" i asked getting off of Rubys bike, as the others got off theirs setting them on the floor

"anything and everything that jumps out" Jamal said as i nodded, still confused

"Anything that marks the spot. Maybe something that could be from the 80's after they pulled off the heist?" he said before grabbing a metal detector outta his book bag

"I'll take the playground" he said as we nodded

"il take the handball court"

"and i'll babysit the bikes and google cheap bus tickets" Ruby said as i shook my head

"Sorry, Lana. Jamal, i'm still not buying into RollerWorld. You're all crazy"

"And you look crazy" i said sitting next to him, as Jamal nodded pointing at him

"might want to wipe your face" Jamal said tossing him some wipes

"Weeee" Ruby said going down the slide, as he pushed Jamal off, and then i went pushing Ruby off

"I'm gonna fall!" i yelled before falling into the sand

"i got something!" Jamal yelled before pulling a bullet outta the sand, as we looked at each-others

"I'm just gonna wipe my finger prints and put it back" he said wiping it before throwing it

"I didn't find anything"

"me either"

"We might have enough to get Cesar to Fresno"

"And then what? he lives on the streets" i asked sitting next to Ruby

"No. The Central Valley produces more than just meth. Fresno's actually a bustling agricultural community. There's a plethora of opportunity for him. See?" Ruby said showing Monse his phone

"Wait, get up." Jamal said looking at the bench we were sitting on, i got up as Ruby stayed sitting

"No, i'm telling you, Fresno's the answer. If he doesn't want to pick furor, there's canning, curing, drying, and the largest turkey farm-" Ruby ranted but was cut off when Jamal grabbed his arm standing him up

Set Fire To The Rain• Cesar DiazDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora