Twenty Four

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Lana pov

I was laying on my bed with Cesar, as Olivia was sitting on her bed talking as Ruby and Monse walked in

"The party's ruined! Its a total disaster." he said as they all looked at him confused

"There's no horse" Monse said

"Okay" Olivia said confused

"okay? How are you gonna get pulled in your carriage? Wait. Maybe we can get Jasmin to come back. She's crazy strong. We're so jacked! And do you smell that? Some asshole's getting lit in the middle of all of this" Ruby said leaving the room, before coming back

"Everyone out here now!"

"We're 20 minutes and counting from the presentation, and after a little second hand high, im starting to chill. We're gonna do a little improvising. Monse, remember the walking pas de bourree that we were gonna incorporate into the dance?"


"We're gonna do those. So we can give Olivia and Cesar a proper entrance without the carriage" Ruby said as Cesar grabbed my hand i still hated they were dancing together

"Im not dancing with Olivia" Cesar said as we all looked at him



"Cause its weird after we kissed and hes dating Lana, i dont wanna ruin anything more than i have. So ill dance with Ruby and you guys can dance together, or something" Olivia said

"I hope you guys know this is so weird for me knowing what i know" I said looking at Cesar and Monse

"Have you ever seen Ruby so happy?"

"Not since he got hair under his arm"

"Last year" Monse said nodding

"You mean last week?" I asked as we all laughed a little

"Ah, we're on have to go" Cesar said grabbing my hand, throughout the dance we switched partners so everyone, dance with everyone

I walked over to Olivia seeing her struggle with her hair "Does it look messy?" she asked looking at me as i shook my head

"No, its looks good. And you look beautiful, liv" I said smiling at her

"Thanks for having my back" She smiled hugging me

Ruby took Olivia inside so they could get service, he was able to schedule a call with her parents after we sent a phone to them

They talked for a little before their service kept cutting out, but they said they'd call back.

"You know you look gorgeous" Cesar smiled after twirling me around as i laughed a little

"Thank you, Cesar" I smiled placing my arms around him

"And you know no matter what im gonna do anything for you" he said as i nodded

"And im gonna do the same for you" i said looking at him

"Even be a Santos?" he joked but looked at me as he noticed i wasnt laughing

"I would. If that meant being with you, i would" I said as he shook his head

"I-I love you, Lana, but i cant ask you to do that for me" he said as i shook my head this time

"You never asked me, and plus your brother loves me, he'd personally kill you if you fuck this up" i laughed as he spun me around once more

Set Fire To The Rain• Cesar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now