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3rd person pov

Dressed in jean shorts, a red tank crop top and white air forces, Lana was following behind Jamal, Monse and Cesar on their way to Goodwill

"You've got to be kidding me. Ruby is bailing after me made us wait until morning!?" Jamal yelled

"He didnt make us wait. We just didnt wanna die"

"potato, potahot. Lana, you're here, why isnt Ruby?" Jamal asked glancing at the girl, "He didnt come to Mass which mom was fine with after something we said. And then he tried to get out of menudo, which our mom wasn't fine with. So she said "If you cant hang out with Jesus, you cant hang out with Jamal" she shrugged

"You said we, so why'd she let you come and not him?" Monse asked looking at her, "Oh! I told him i believed his speech, which i do, but i told him i wanted to come so i ran out of the door and yelled at my dad to drive when Ruby came outside" she shrugged

"But werent you wearing heels?" Cesar asked looking at her, he had helped pick out her outfit

"And i hauled all in those heels"

"Okay. Im finding my loot and my mom said its in the blue bin" Jamal said as they arrived, "Oh, here we are. Bingo, bitches. There it is" he added as they walked through the gate only to see 6 more blue bins

"Which one?" Lana asked glancing at him, as he leaned over from behind the gate.

Jamal grunted as he was half in one of the Goodwill bins, "Ugh! It smells like my grandpa's belly button in here"

"How do you know what that smells like?" Monse asked with a disgusted face, "He used to pay me a quarter to clean it!"

"Damn it! No bag. Retreat. Retreat, stat!" he yelled as the three helped him out of the bin, Jamal gagged, "What if its not here?" he sighed

"We still got four more, have hope" Lana said looking at him

"Exactly, relax" Cesar added, "Relax?" he asked before putting the grabbers in Cesar's face, "You're not the one spelunking in that stanky funk. And let me ask you something, Mr. Relax. Where are my sneaks?" he asked as Cesar went to speak but Jamal cut him off

"Exactly." he said before passing him to the next bin, "You're on sneaker duty" he said pointing the grabber to Monse, as Lana and Jamal's phone went off

"Ruby's on his way" they said at the same time

"Okay, Lana, Cesar, boost me up, double-stat. And this time Cesar, interlock your fingers, because im not feeling the dedication"

"Yeah, Cesar. Interlock your fingers" Lana mimicked before crouching down a little and interlocking her fingers as Cesar did the same

"Deeper! Deeper!" Jamal called as they carefully lowered him in more, "And hold!"

"Monseee, you're watching my sneaks, right?" Jamal called from in the bin as Lana laughed a little

"They're limited edition" he added as she ignored him, "Guys, are you holding tight?"

"Yes!" The three called back

"I feel like im flipping. Interlock your fingers!" he called out

"I feel like the only one really holding him"

"You can barely reach him, Lana" Cesar joked looking at his girlfriend who rolled her eyes

"A few more inches. I think I.. I see it! I see it! Okay, one more inch, and Lana keep that kung-fu grip"

"If you go one more inch im not gonna be able to hold you!" Lana called out as Jamal began to sing, "I got my chedda!" he sang dragging out the "a"

Cesar accidently let go of Jamal to itch his nose, Lana was still holding on and so was Monse, but the two quickly let go seeing Jamal had already fallen in and they were holding his pants

"My pants! What the hell?!" he yelled as Monse turned noticing someone was coming, "Shit. Someone's coming. We got to hide. Jamal, we'll be right back!" Monse called grabbing the two, Lana tried to grab Jamal's stuff but she was being dragged away by both of them

"His shoes!" she whispered yelled at the two, "No! No! No! No! Dont leave me!" he yelled as the two ran off seeing a car coming dragging Lana

"His shoes you dumb asses!" She yelled hitting the two

"Guys! I dont think i like tight places! Cesar! Lana! Monse! Luella!" Jamal yelled

"Why does he know my government name"

"How'd you get out so fast?" Monse asked looking at Jamal, he had no shoes and no pants, so he had a jacket tied around his waist, Lana felt bad

"A magician doesn't reveal his secrets, especially to traitors!"

"hey, woah! I tried to grab your stuff but they dragged me. I mean, why were you guys scared of that dude?" she asked looking between the two who shrugged

"Well, Monse yelled run and you two went running, and dragged me" She added

"We're sorry" Cesar sighed, "Yeah, clearly not sorry enough. And  clearly, you two haven't learned about abandonment, because you didnt watch my back or my sneaks. You had one job!"

"Technically, two" Cesar spoke up as Lana slapped his arm, "shut up"

"Im looking for results, not excuses"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's see it" Monse said grabbing the bag off of Jamal, as he grabbed it back from her, "No, you dont get to see mine and Lana's money?"

"What do you mean and Lana?" Cesar asked looking at him, "She was the only one to believe in me!"

"You mean, our money!" Monse said grabbing the bag back, "Im the one who found it" he said grabbing it back

"And then you lost it" Cesar spoke up, "And we helped you find it again" Monse added grabbing it back from him

"Its not your money, give it back"

"Fine, then give me back my hoodie" she said as he took it off and tossed it to her

"But none of you believed in him" she said grabbing it from Monse, "Too bad i wanna see it" Monse said going to grab it from Lana as Jamal yelled and grabbed onto it

"Give it! Let go!" Cesar said joining in

"Give it. Give it back!"

"How are they so strong?"

"Why are you doing agaisnt your girlfriend!"

"Ah! Ow"

"Ow, Monse!"

"Let go!" the four froze looking over as a cop siren went off, but none of them let go of the bag

Set Fire To The Rain• Cesar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now