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Before we start I'm running out of titles and this chapter is all over the place so in joy!!!

Private chat between Gem and Katherine

Fighter Princess: Gem I have a problem

Gemstone Princess: What?

Fighter Princess: I think I'm in love

Gemstone Princess: Wait with who????

Fighter Princess: Do you promise not to tell anyone

Gemstone Princess: Yes

Fighter Princess: Not even your S private chat?

Gemstone Princess: Well we technically tell each other everything

Fighter Princess: Gem pls

Gemstone Princess: Fine

Fighter Princess: Well it's Shelby

Gemstone Princess: Wait you're not joking right?

Fighter Princess: No I'm not

Gemstone Princess: I got to go since the bell is about to ring

Fighter Princess: Alright bye

Gemstone Princess: Bye

Gemstone Princess is offline

Fighter Princess is offline

Out Of Chat——————
*Bell Rings*

Gem: Shelby!!!

Shelby: Hey Gem what's up

Gem: What's your next class?

Shelby: I got herbology class. What about you?

Gem: Same

Shelby: You wanna walk there

Gem: Yeah

Shelby: So how was baking class?

Gem: It was fine we had a sub so we didn't even do anything

Shelby: Lucky the science teacher gave us a project to do

Gem: Damn what's it about

Shelby: Well basically we can do whatever we want as long it's science related

Gem: You have a due date or

Shelby: It's due this Friday

Gem: So you working by yourself

Shelby: Sadly no I got Joel as my partner

Gem: You say that as it's a bad thing

Shelby: Its not going to be that bad since we're going to do it on lightning

Gem: And since Joel is basically a god he's a the perfect person

Shelby: Yeah still would've preferred working alone but it's fine. Hey look were almost there

*They make their way inside of class*

Ms.Ivy: Good morning kids

Everyone except Ms. Ivy: Good morning Ms.Ivy

Ms.Ivy: Class today we have a two new students

Shelby: *Whispering to Gem* Two new students that's a bit interesting

Gem: *Whispering to Shelby* Yeah I guess

Ms.Ivy: So meet Katherine Elizabeth and Tiffany Garcia

Shelby thought "Shit why does it have to be Tiff"

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