Chapter 3: Slytherin Common Room

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The prefects gathered everyone from the table, specifically the first years. After a long and dull speech about their way of life, they finally made their way to the common room location. Harry was squashed between two other people and a brunette. Theo, the first person to politely talk to him, he wasn't sure of the motive so he kept his need for friends at bay until he knew the boy meant well. Harry was always distrustful of adults and people in general, it all stems back to the Dursleys. Harry shook his head. They went down a series of complex staircases, something that the prefects called 'the Grand Staircase', and then they walked to the door. It was cold and dark in this part of the castle. Harry wondered why people would want to live in this area. Harry was used to cold and dark places though, but he had expected to be stuck in that relatively similar environment as the cupboard under the stairs. Harry sighed and decided to ignore the topic. The prefects, Gemma Farley and Adrian Puncey, led the new Slytherins down the hall, pointing out classrooms and the kitchen. They stopped walking from blank wall.

"Blood Supremacy." Gemma said, clearly. "That is the password. Do not forget."

An snake slithered on the door and a door formed under the slithering snake. Harry, along with the other first years, enter the common room. As soon as Harry walked in a cold breeze brushing over his skin. The entire room was green and sliver, so much that he was overwhelmed by it. The back walls, weren't even walls. They were glass, that shown the black lake. Harry heard a girl ask a question about a giant squid. The prefects laughed it off, but didn't answer the question. The wall, the floor, and the high ceiling was stone. There was four couches were green with sliver lining. Of course, the chair and love seats were the same. Small tables and bookshelves were centered around the room. The fireplace was right below a platform. Harry had no idea where that went. The fire was dim and ineffective against the coldness of the dungeon like rooms. A green and sliver rug was placed under the four sliver-lined couches and chairs. Lamps were dim and green. The prefects cleared their throats.

"The girls dorm is on the left and boys dorm is on the right. Schedules will be handed out tomorrow and curfew is at 10. Time to go to bed." Adrian Puncey pointed.

The crowd dispersed and they went to the correct location for their dorms. Harry looked for his name on the squared signs on each door. After a bit of searching, the boy found it and discovered he shared a room with Theo, Draco Malfoy, and Vincent Crabbe. Harry sighed and opened the door. He entered. The room had four beds with cloth that wrapped around the bed itself. Nobody was in there with him yet, not that Harry disliked that. Harry noticed that his things were already in place so Harry plopped him on his bed, closed the curtains and fell asleep, dreaming about a blurred person whispering to himself.

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