Chapter 18: The Chamber of Secrets

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Harry lost his friends when the rocks fell. It was now him and, as soon as he entered, Ginny. Harry walled up to the second door and hissed. A snake slithered up and undid all of the locks. The door swung open and Harry could see inside.

As he stepped through, he could see everything. The sides were lined with statues of serpents. The door slammed shut behind him, making Harry snap his head to see. He let out a breath. Looking forward, he saw what he was looking for. Ginny Weasley lay ahead, clearly passed out and deathly pale. Harry focused in on her and ran to her. 

Falling beside her, he tried to shake her while calling her name. That didn't work. Harry breathed heavily and stopped. Harry tensed. 

"She won't wake." 

Harry looked up to see a handsome young man. He had the same raven hair, but different styles. Harry's was messy and the man's hair was neat. His eyes were a charming deep brown. A well-defined jawline as well. He wore Slytherin robes. 

"W-Who are you?" Harry stuttered. 

The man smiled. "Tom." 

"Help me, fix her!" Harry rushed. 

"I cannot. Tell me, are you Harry Potter?" Tom asked. 

"Yeah... please sir," Harry begged. 

"Begging in Slytherin?" Tom sneered. "Disgraceful." 

"Now, isn't the time to insult me." Harry brushed him off. 

Tom stared at him. His face had gone from smiling to neutral. 

"She talked a lot about you, you know? Oh, Harry Potter in Slytherin, such a shame." He mimicked. "It made me question. How was it that a mere baby defeated the greatest sorcerer in the world?" 

"Dumbledore's the greatest wizard alive!" Harry argued. 

"Dumbledore's an old fool. He's not here to protect you, Potter. I will return." 

"Are you not here?" Harry asked. 

"I am nothing but a memory but not for long. As she dies, I solidify into a real body." Tom gave an evil smile. "Then Lord Voldemort will come back." 

"What? Voldemort is dead." Harry thought. 

"Voldemort is my past, present, and future." 

Tom turned around and, using Harry's wand, wrote in the air. 'TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE'. Tom turned to Harry again to see if he was watching. Tom turned back and flicked Harry's wand. The letters rearranged themselves into 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT'. Harry gasped.  

"Before I kill you, I want you to know. We are similar, Potter. If you were going to survive the night, you would have been like me." Tom reminded. 

A cry was heard and a red bird came swooping down. It dropped a brown hat into Harry's hands. 

Tom laughed. "That's all your precious Dumbledore has to send you? An old hat."

Tom hissed something in Parseltongue. The mouth of Salazar Slytherin opened. Out came a big, snake. Harry assumed it was a basilisk. Harry shut his eyes. Tom hissed and the snake looked at him, Harry could feel it. So he turned around quickly and opened his eyes. Harry ran away. The snake slithered behind him. 

"You will not get away, Potter!" Tom yelled out. 

Harry tripped over himself and fell down. The snake leered over him, opening its mouth and preparing to strike. However, the same cry from a phoenix distracted the basilisk. It looked up and the phoenix stabbed the snake in both of its eyes. 

"No!" Tom screamed. "He may not be able to see you but he can still hear you." 

Harry took the time to get up and run into the sewer system. Tiptoeing until he stepped in the water. He rushed down a path that was a dead end. Harry stood against the metal bars and tried to be as quiet as he could. But the snake kept inching closer. Harry saw a rock on the ground, picked it up, and threw it in the opposite direction. The snake stopped, reversed, and followed the sound of the rock. Once it was safe Harry stepped out and made his way back to the main area of the Chamber. Tom was still there, standing there with a sneer on his face. 

The snake popped out of the mouth again. 

"He's in front of you!" Tom hissed. 

The snake lurched forward. Harry ran away. He climbed up the statue with the hat still on his head. He climbed up to the top of Salazar's beard. The snake turned around and struck the nose. Harry fell backward and the hat fell off. Harry dodged out the way just and the snake struck the eye. Harry crawled up to the hat. But something was off. The was a glistening object, that wasn't there before, stuck out. Harry grabbed it and pulled out a long sword. The basilisk opened its mouth and lunged forward. Harry gripped the sword. As the big snake came close the Harry, he stuck his hand in the mouth and stabbed the snake through the head. A loud screech shook Harry as he pulled the sword out. 

The snake swayed left to right to left again before finally laying rest on the watery surface. 

"No!" Tom screamed. "That won't matter. I'll still exist." 

Harry fell down while climbing. He pulled the tooth from his arm and stumbled forward. He held the basilisk tooth tightly. 

"You're still going to die. You have 2 minutes." Tom smirked. 

Harry fell to the ground next to Ginny. Gripping the tooth, Harry opened the diary. 

"No, what're you doing?" Tom asked, moving forward. 

Harry stabbed the page, then the other. Tom was dissolving into light. Harry flipped to the cover, and stabbed. Tom bursted into light, no longer terrorizing the school. Harry fell next to Ginny. 

The last thing he heard was the cry of the Pheonix, Fawkes.

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