Chapter 7: Troll in the Dungeons

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It was Halloween and Harry was feeling down. This was the day his parents had been murdered. So, it was understandable when he awoke in the morning, he was feeling pretty sad. He, didn't show it openly though, it was abnormal for Slytherins to show emotions. Harry wasn't about to start now. He was in the Great Hall eating his breakfast when Dumbledore stood up. It was clear the old man had something to say.

"I have a announcement. Due to certain circumstances, and I don't want to get into, classes has been cancelled. However, you are expected to complete homework assignments, still." Dumbledore announced.

The Ravenclaws looked upset, The Hufflepuffs looked divided and mixed, the Gryffindors were openly cheering, and the Slytherins looked nonchalant. Harry had no idea why classes were cancelled. But he didn't care. Harry along with his friends, Theo and Blaise, went back to the common room to complete homework he had for Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts.

In the dungeons, Harry accidentally bumped into Malfoy. Harry closed his eyes.

"Potter, watch where your going." Malfoy sneered, "Now I have dirty blood all over me."

Harry wanted to retort but refrained. Insulting someone that was a Slytherin as a Slytherin was bad for the perception of the house. After all, the prefects had said yo allows stick together. Even through Malfoy was a bad slytherin, Harry wasn't going to be a disappointment to the house. Harry just continued his way to the common room.

Harry said the password and as always, the snake revealed the door. They entered. Theo immediately fired off a question.

"Why didn't say something back to Malfoy?" Theo asked.

Harry looked at him.

"Because in public, Slytherins should stick together." Harry answered.

Theo looked at him weirdly but didn't comment. They all went to their dorm to complete the essays they had to complete.

Harry ate his dinner in the Great hall, surround by his friends. They were having a nice conversation.

"Harry, are you excited for Flying class tomorrow?" Blaise asked.

"You care about classes?" Theo asked, mockingly shocked.

Blaise looked offended. "Yeah. My mother would kill me if I failed any class."

Harry felt out of place. They all had parents, and what did he have? Disgusting muggles for relatives.

"Speaking of parents, Harry how's it been since the night your parents died?" Theo asked.

Harry's eye twitched. "Oh, it's fine."

Theo looked down, realizing how rude that sounded. "I'm sorry if I... um... made you upset."

"Trust me I'm fine." Harry reassured.

Theo looked up, not really believing him but smiled anyway.

"Potter, mourning your parents?" Malfoy snickered.

"Shut it, Malfoy." Blaise defended.

"Missing your father too, Zabini?" Malfoy scowled, "Maybe your 7th stepfather will disappear just like the others."

Harry heard Blaise take a deep breath. He decided that he'll put a stop to Malfoy. He opened his mouth to retort but Malfoy turned back to him.

"Meet me in the third floor corridor at 9 for a duel. We'll see who's the greater wizard."

Harry didn't nod or shake his head. He simply got up and walked out of the Great Hall. He went back to the dungeons, only to be scared straight by a stinky, green, and large body. Harry did a little reading in the library and remember what the creatures were called. Trolls. There was a troll in the dungeon.

The troll carried a big and thick wooden bat. It spotted Harry and threw it's bat at him. Harry, from all of the running from Dudley as a child, had great reflexes and speed. He ducked the swing and moved backwards. Harry looked for an exit that wouldn't get him killed or anybody else. If he went the way he came, he would certainly lead the troll upstairs, and he didn't want his friends to die.

Harry threw a spell.

In the Great Hall, Professor Quirrell ran in.

"There's a troll in the dungeons! A troll... in the dungeons... just thought you'd want to know..." Quirrell fainted face first.

The students panicked and screamed. Dumbledore stood. Placed his wand to his neck.


Dumbledore's voice rang throughout the hall. After that, it was quiet.

"Prefects, lead the younger years to their common rooms. Severus, McGonagall, follow me to the dungeons." Dumbledore ordered.

In the dungeons, Harry ran into a bathroom. He didn't care if it was the girls bathroom, his life was on the line. He heard the door slam open and the troll fall. It's bat almost smashing Harry on the troll's fall. Luckily, that bat was moved out of the way. Harry stood up. Facing the heavily, damaged wall. The tiles were cracked and falling off. The stall he was in was missing half of its wall, and the door was missing.

Harry turned around. Surprised to see the Professors, he examined the damage. Sinks were destroyed, minor were missing glass pieces. The candle chandeliers were shattered on the ground.

"Hello, Professors." Harry nodded like everything was normal.

"Potter! What happened?" Snape narrowed his stone-cold eyes.

"Well, you see, I was heading back to the common rooms from the Great Hall earlier and then I discovered the troll. I tried to escape but clearly I failed."

"Ten points from Slytherin for your abandonment of the Great Hall." McGonagall said, sternly.

Snape looked to disagree but decided against it. Dumbledore looked thoughtful.

"Harry, my boy, follow me to my office, please." Dumbledore said.

Harry nodded.

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