Chapter 10: The Man With Two Faces

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Harry stood outside of the door with the trapdoor and huge Cerberus. Why would Dumbledore allow a dangerous animal in the castle, Harry thought. He was there alone. He knew he could die and nobody would be able to find him. Just as he was going to unlock the door, a cough was heard from behind him. Harry whipped out his wand as he turned around. The tip of his Holly wood and phoenix feather wand pointed in between the eyes of Ronald Weasley. Harry narrowed his eyes, and he notice Hermione Granger standing to the side of Weasley.

"What are you doing, Weasley?" Harry asked.

"Looking inside the room. What are you doing, Harry?" Ron asked back.

"I was searching the room for something."

"Maybe we can help." Hermione piped in.

Harry thought about it. They could be useful. He pierced his lips together.

"Fine," Harry said, turning around. "Alohomora. "

The door clicked, and Harry pushed it open. The big, fluffy Cerberus —named Fluffy, confirmed by Hagrid —was in the middle of a nap. Harry heard soft music playing. He looked to his sides and spotted a harp magically playing itself.

"We need to move its paw," Harry commanded, quietly.

Ron and Hermione nodded. The three of them gently pushed the paw off of the trap door. Ron unlatched it and pushed it open.

"Get in, Gryffindors." Harry pushed them in.

Harry looked up. The blasted animal was still asleep. Harry jumped down. He landed on moving snake like thing.

"Blimey, Devil Snare." Hermione eyes widened.

Harry looked around, not panicked. Ron was thrashing around and Hermione had a pale face. Hermione then looked like she just had an thought.

"We need light." said Hermione, "if we get light we can get out — Ron stop thrashing you're making it worse for yourself." Hermione thought.

Harry pulled out his wand, and Hermione looked over, confused.

Forgetting that she was a witch, she asked, "What are you going to do with that?"

Harry looked deadpan. "We're magical, Granger. Lumos."

A bright light filled the small area and the Snare released them all. Harry had put all of his power in releasing them all. Harry didn't want to waste time waiting. Harry landed on his face, stumbling. Hermione stumbled too and Ron fell on his bum. Harry continued to walk to the door. Hermione followed with Ron getting up and running to her. Harry could hear the conversation about him from his place in front.

Harry turned the door knob and swung it open. The first thing Harry saw as he entered was gigantic chess pieces.

"Wizarding Chess..." Ron whispered.

"We have to play to get past." Hermione added.

Harry's right eye twitched. Who would have guess, Harry thought.

Harry and Hermione made it through the Wizarding Chess, they had to leave Ron behind. Harry actually felt bad for him but Harry knew it had to happen. Hermione was looking at a table that had seven potions on it.

"This potion is the one to make it past." Hermione pointed.

"Hm... let's drink it then." Harry said, grabbing the potion and opening it.

"There is only enough for one."

"Oh. Well then I must go on. You make sure Ron is okay." Harry downed the potion.

He walked into the small chamber. It had a person in it. Someone with purple turban and purple robes. The room was low lit and there was gold everywhere. A mirror was in the middle of the room. Professor Quirrell stood in front of the mirror.

"Argh... why isn't it working, Master?" He grunted.

Harry moved down the steps and made a sound. Quirrell turned around.

"Potter." He gleamed. "I've been expecting you."

"Professor Quirrell?"

"Yes. I bet you were expecting someone else... maybe Professor Snape, the greasy bat." Quirrell insulted.

Harry didn't object to those claims. He mentally agree with them. Harry moved forward.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, eyes narrowed.

"Trying to get the stone." Quirrell said flatly. "Help me, Potter. Stand in front of the mirror and tell me what you see."

Harry moved in front of the mirror. He saw himself with the stone. Mirror Harry placed in his pocket. Suddenly, Harry felt weight in the pocket. He knew the stone was there.

"Well, what did you see?" Quirrell asked, impatiently.

"My parents."

A deep raspy voice echoed in the chamber.

"He lies."

Harry had gone pale. He wasn't expecting that.

"Liar! Tell the truth!" Quirrell screamed.

"I see myself as the Prince of Slytherin."

"The boy continues to lie. Take the turban off, Quirrell. I want to see the boy."

"But master... you are not strong enough..." Quirrell stammered.

"I have enough strength for this. Do it now!"

Quirrell slowly unwrapped his turban and Harry moved back. The Professor turned around as the turban fell off. Harry gasped in shock. An ashy, red eyes, no nose, thing was on the back of Quirrell's head.

"What are you?" Harry asked, disgustedly.

"I am Voldemort. You see what I've become." Voldemort rasped out.

"Oh..." Harry trailed off in shock.

"I know you have the stone, don't lie. Just give it to me and you can join me instead of dying a painful death." Voldemort tried.

Harry didn't look convinced. "No... I would never."

"Dumbledore is a manipulative old fool. Don't listen to him. Don't be a fool. I can bring back your parents, all you have to do... is give me the stone."

Harry froze. He knew there was no way for his parents to come back from the dead. He tried to turn around a leave but fire prevented him from doing so.

"No... no... there is no way for the dead to come back to life."

"No? Kill him!" Voldemort ordered.

Quirrell turned around and jumped at Harry, who moved back, getting out of the way of the older man's outstretched hands. Harry ran over to the mirror but was pulled back by Quirrell. Quirrell pushed him to the floor and wrapped his hands around the boy's throat. Harry struggled to breath.

In a attempt to free himself, he used all of his strength to pull off Quirrell hands from his throat. Harry didn't know what happened but when he did, the Professor let out an excruciating scream and let go. Holding his rapidly disappearing hands, he turned back to Harry and looked at him.

"You will die, just like your filthy parents!"

Harry lunged at Quirrell and pushed his hands into Quirrell face to use the new found powers.

"Ahh...!" Quirrell screamed as he turned to dust.

A spirit left the decaying body of Quirrell and headed toward Harry with a scream. It fled through Harry and out the exit. Harry landed on the ground with his scar heavily burning. Harry felt the stone in his pocket. He heard someone open the door. He duplicated the stone and place the real in his inside robe pocket. He hoped who this was would never find it. Harry grabbed the fake on and fell unconscious.

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