Season 5 Episode 6

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  Right now Juliette, Ozzy, Henry and Kingston are in the studio together about to learn Ozzy's iconic dance moves " So I'm gonna teach you guys how to do the Ozzy." "Okay" says Henry as they all look at Ozzy for further instructions

"First rule, it depends on the music. So depending on how the music is depends on the groove." Ozzy says " let me give you a beat" says Kingston "let's go, ready?" Henry says to Ozzy. Then Ozzy starts dancing to the beat Kingstons making "So you should be like rocking, just add like a step" He explains while dancing as an example as henry and Juliette are also following along. "The body's going, you can add some arms" Ozzy says getting really into the dancing.

"is that good?" Kingston asks as he tries to do what Ozzy did "Yeah!" And now everyone's having a good time dancing and doing the Ozzy.

"Honestly I haven't had a chance to connect with anyone but I already feel like I know who I can be friends with for sure!" Juliette says towards the camera

"Right in there! Ayeee!" Ozzy says as they're all still dancing. Then footsteps are heard and next thing you know Jackie walks in. "Henry!" She says as she walks in "Yeah?" He responds turning around to look at her. "Did you seriously tell Noah that we couldn't date?" "Maybe" Henry responds. "If you had a problem why didn't you come to me? I can hang out with whoever I want so get over yourself, and move on." She says in a harsh tone walking away leaving everyone speechless.

"Bro that was actually brutal" Kingston whispers to Juliette and Ozzy. "personally I would not let that slide but that's just me" Juliette whispers back. Henry rolls his eyes turns around to face them all and says "seriously guys?"

"I kinda feel like Jackie has a point, I hear you talk about Jackie a lot. Let me give you an estimate FIVE THOUSAND TIMES! That's just an estimate, I can guarantee it's probably double that." Says Kingston

Ozzy outs a hand on Henry's shoulder "dude you gotta move on". " I know what this guy needs" Kingston says as he looks at Juliette and Ozzy. "What?" Says Ozzy. "He needs a little bit of bro time" Kingston responds.

"I think bro time sounds good" Ozzy says clearly agreeing with the idea. "oh my gosh" Henry says with his arms crossed looking away from them. "BROS! BROS! BROS! BROS!" They start chanting toward Henry.

"VEGAS BABY! We're gonna party all night!" Kingston says excited "actually I gotta be home by 7:30" Ozzy says. "Wow that's awkward..." says Kingston. "so neutral grounds?" Henry asks. Then they all look at Juliette who's standing there awkwardly "Come on what are you waiting for" Kingston says as he motions for Juliette to go as well. And they all walk together to neutral grounds.


"Yo!" Kingston says to Ozzy dapping him up "that game yesterday" "I know it was so good" says Ozzy

" I called the winner from the start"Kingston says. "Yo, if I wasn't so focused on dance I'd go pro." Ozzy says taking a food wrapper and balling it up "Ozzy!" He says as he throws it completely missing the trash can he was aiming for. Juliette and Kingston just stare at him in awkward silence "wow" says Kingston.

"you know what I may need a little bit of practice" Ozzy says and Kingston and Juliette start laughing. "A little?" Juliette says sarcastically still laughing and Ozzy rolls his eyes playfully before moving on to ask her a question in order to try to get to know the closed off girl more. "So, since you seem to criticize my AMAZING basketball talents are you any good at it?"

" honestly no basketballs not really my thing I'm more into soccer, plus I've never really watched it before." Juliette replies " Wait so have you never watched a basketball game before?" Kingston asks " No I never grew up watching it and I never really got how the game works so I honestly never found an interest in actually watching it." As she says that Ozzy and Kingston both gasp as if they just heard the most shocking news ever.

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