Season 5 Episode 8

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Everyone's currently setting up for the dance-a-thon and Piper comes running in with Heather "Ta-Da!" Piper says as she shows her what they've been doing.

"Looks awesome, what's going on today?" Heather asks "We're having a dance-a-thon to raise money!" Piper tells her excited "Oh cool so for like costumes and stuff?" Heather asks and Piper looks at her for a couple seconds before responding "For you!"

"For me?" Heather asks confused about what's going on. "Yeah I told everyone about your situation and we all wanna help you!" Piper says as everyone looks at the both of them to see what Heather would say about what they did for her.

"Are you serious?"Heather says clearly not having the reaction everyone expected her to have. Piper then goes into explain it to her  "Heather we all just want-" "Piper I told you already, I can't dance here just drop it!" She yells as she walks away.

No one knows what to say and they all just look at each other no one bothering to say a word. Henry is the first to speak "Well I guess we might as well take everything down right?" "Right, I'll just start popping these right now " LaTroy agrees as he begins to take down the balloons he put up and everyone else is about to begin taking everything down.

"Guys hold on!" Michelle says stopping everyone "There are many other dancers that are still in the exact same position as her, I'm sure another dancer would be happy to use this money cuz there are a lot of dancers that can't afford dance!" She explains to everyone.

"Michelle has a point I mean this could at least help someone else who wants to dance!" Juliette says towards the camera

"I got a lot of pledges and I'm gonna make sure that they go to good use" Henry says "Yeah that's right that's right! Kingston how much did you make?" LaTroy asks him. "My mom brought the sheet to work and got all her coworkers to pledge!" He says

"I'm honestly proud of how many pledges I got my mom to take the paper to the hospital she works in and tons of people signed it!" Juliette says

"So Ozzy how about you man?" LaTroy asks he pauses before he responds "A lot you know? Like I didn't add it up but like a lot." He says as he's walking away "like tons" "Yeah mhm" LaTroy says

"Like so many!" Ozzy adds while walking backwards and almost tripping then he goes and runs out the door.  "He didn't get a lot." LaTroy says and everyone agrees with him. "Alright let's keep getting ready this is gonna be a great day!" Michelle says and there's a chorus of yeahs as everyone walks away to finish setting up. "Alright guys, let's do it!" Michelle adds one last time

Everyone's warming up for the dance-a-thin currently "how's everybody feeling!" West asks and everyone responds with a chorus of goods "Awesome!" He says

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Everyone's warming up for the dance-a-thin currently "how's everybody feeling!" West asks and everyone responds with a chorus of goods "Awesome!" He says

"So all of you guys are gonna be dancing for twelve hours straight, as soon as you stop dancing you are immediately eliminated!" Michelle explains to them all.

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