Season 5 Episode 9

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Right now the group is currently working on a choreography to go up against TNS East. They're currently trying to clean up the work with Michelle counting them off.

"1,2,3,4,5,6 stop right there, okay. Where are the lines?" Michelle says pointing to our spots and she makes them go over it again.

"My dance is better than Emily's, I think hip hop is way better than contemporary. Hip hop is exciting and fresh and contemporary can be super boring!" Michelle says to the camera.

Michelle was once again making them run the choreography "5,6 stop right there" she says pausing as the group stops dancing "This routine is really hip hop heavy" She says contemplating what she's gonna say next

"Maybe we could add some more contemporary moves" she suggests to the group.

"I need to hire somebody that could help us out somebody that understands my teams hip hop moves but can add a contemporary flare and I know just the person, Eldon." Michelle explains

Currently the group is all stretching to get warmed up after their break and in walks Michelle and some guy

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Currently the group is all stretching to get warmed up after their break and in walks Michelle and some guy. " Okay guys listen up, meet Elliot he is the missing piece to our troop and this means that we finally have a full team and we're ready to compete!" She announces happily "woohoo!!" Says Piper and everyone starts applauding

"You're too kind I'm just, happy to be part of the team" Elliot says hesitating for a moment "It already feels like home" he says smiling " amazing" responds Michelle before continuing " Well, I need all of you guys to start stretching , Eldon should be here shortly, okay?. She says as she waits for them to respond. "Cool" Kingston responds and everyone else nods "awesome, get to it" Michelle says as she's walking away.

As she walks away Elliot introduces himself to everybody and first goes towards Kingston "Hi, I'm Kingston!" He says shaking his hand "Elliot " "Heather" she says shaking his hand as well "Elliot" "Henry" he says shaking Elliot's hand as well " Elliot" "Julie" she says smiling politely and shaking his hand " Elliot" he then moves onto Piper and says "I probably won't remember your names so..." he says shrugging.

The whole group looks at him confused.

"Umm... maybe he's bad at names?" Julie says laughing nervously.

"I'm Ozzy" ozzy says going up to him while Elliot's hand is out for a handshake ozzy makes a weird handshake and once he finishes he snaps at him and says "The only name you'll have to remember." He says to him expecting him to say something but is met with awkward silence.

"Ooh that's cold..." Ozzy says shaking his head

"okay... brutal" he mumbles as he walks away from Elliot and everyone else begins stretching again.

Juliette just pats ozzy on the back and has a tight lipped smile that she forced on herself to not subconsciously make a face because of the situation.

"So have you all been dancing here for a while now?" Elliot asks them and Kingston responds first excitedly " Up until a little while ago I was dancing in my basement but now, look at me I'm in the same team as you!" He says

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