The Wolves in the Woods

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Picture of Casee-------------------------------------------------------------------------->


It wasn’t a dark and stormy night, but an ordinary evening. The setting sun cast its last rays of shinning light as it faded from the sky, a cool breeze sweeping leaves to the east in a startling dance of fall colors. My vision wasn’t blurry and my eyes were not playing tricks on me with the shadows, but was as sharp as a razor blade scanning the woods seeing anything and everything there was to be seen.

            As I continued to scan my surroundings I was also, such a clichés, running through the woods that skirted the little town I was staying in, for my very dear life. Again. It doesn’t seem like I could stay out of trouble, but when you’ve seen the things I have mundane rules didn’t really apply as they once did.

                        They were gaining ground faster than I had thought they would be. I could almost sense them as my feet flew across the rough terrene, arms pumping at my sides. I pushed myself harder to the point that my vision really did start to cloud from the lightheadedness sweeping through my mind. My lungs felt as though a ten-ton weight had made itself at home on my chest. But it paid off as I could barely feel my feet graze the packed dirt before I pushed forward with my other foot.

            I ran for as long as I could, until it felt as though my tendons and muscles were shredding beneath my skin, a complete possibility as I was pushing my body further then it was intended to. In my desperation to flee as fast as I could I missed in my leap to clear several protruding roots that rose up in my path. My foot clipped the last one just enough so that my balanced wavered and I tumbled to the ground rolling to take the blunt of it in my shoulder and roll with it but ended up taking most it is in my right hip. Rocks digging in and scrapping the skin just above the bone.

            I tried to get back up. I had to get back up. I couldn’t let them catch me. I rose up onto my hands and knees, muscles quivering with exhaustion, when I heard a branch snapping back into place. I froze. No this couldn’t be happening. No there was no possible way that this could be happening to me. After all the running, all the training, all the blood, sweat, and tears I shed to stop this moment that I imagined a hundred times to not come true.

            I have failed

            They were here.

            And they were going to take me. 

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