The Wolves in the Woods Chapter 14- Sit

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Okay so I didn't like how I ended this chapter the first time so I added a bit more a like this ending much more then the old one. I will try to write more in the next week or so, break is coming up so that will give me more time. 





We needed to get back, and we needed to get back fast. I suggested that we run the whole way back, but Seth wouldn’t let me do that much damage to my body again right after I had recovered.   

It should not matter if I was just recovering! The whole future of the Packs survival lay upon our shoulder, and it was my entire fault. I may hate werewolves and not trust these wolves, but I would never wish the wrath of my father on my worst enemy. 

“We need to go Seth, now!” I half shouted at him my patience in tatters from the bone shaking letter from my father, the warning in his words, and the revealing of the Alpha females murderer. I was fed up with games at this point.

“No I will not let you suffer that pain again, not even for this.” He stayed strong not wavering his decision.

“Fine, be that way! I’m leaving with or without you.” I turned sharply on my heel and began trekking through the brush from the clearing we had been in, were my things had been hidden. I made it no more than two steps before a hand roughly gripped my upper arm and twisted my around. Before I could react my body was crushed against Seth. All the hard panels of his chest were tense as if for attack.

I froze at such close contact, the only time I had ever been this close to someone was when they were trying to kill me or I was killing them.

“I made a promise to my Father that you would never be hurt when with me, I don’t intent to break that promise now for any reason.” He growled the last bit like his own thoughts angered him. His husky voice sent an involuntary shiver down my spine and back, sparks flew from any skin pressed together.

“Well how are we supposed to get back and quickly then?” I asked trying to collect my strayed thoughts. My voice came out breathless and my skin flushed with heat to my hairline. My heart started fluttering in my chest trying to break the bines of my ribs. 

“Simple,” he said, warm breath torching my face, “I’ll change and you will ride on my back.” I snapped out of my fogged haze, eyes flashing to meet his. 

His gaze was hard as steel and I knew in a moment’s time that there was no talking Seth out of this, he was too stubborn anyway.

“Is there any other way?” I forced out.

“No,” his arms tightened around me, “Not without the risk of causing you harm.” He pulled me impossibly closer and leaned in to me, burying his face in my hair. My body seemed to come alive with the feel of him, even inch of lean muscle, pressed against me as if to make us one. I could feel him nuzzle his way to my neck and felt the moist heat of his breath on my smoldering exposed flesh. Seth’s breathing was coming as fast as my own, taking each other’s scent into our lungs. 

A small part of me, growing smaller by the minute, begged me to stop this that it was wrong! But God I didn’t want to stop, this moment of pure bliss, of belonging felt so good that I wanted to freeze time and stay here forever. My slack arms raised and wrapped around his broad shoulders taking myself deeper into his warm embrace.  

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