The Wolves in the Woods Chapter 3-She's Damn Feisty

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Heres chapter 3!!! 

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes. 

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Picture of Seth (The Boy)------------------------------------------------------>

Stupid huge mangy dogs! And ill tempered too, the lot of them. Werewolves take the phase ‘fragile ego’ to a completely new level, and right now, I had a case of severely pissed off werewolf on my hands, great. 

“I said, stand down!” The boy said again this time his voice rang out with authority. Not quite an Alpha but defiantly strong, probably closely related somehow.

Bruce’s ears flatted and he brought his lips back in a nasty snarl showing long sharp canine. Drool dripped onto the floor as Bruce growled and snarled at the boy who stood there staring down a six foot tall pissed off werewolf as if it was an everyday thing.

 The boy pushed me behind him, shielding me from sight with his muscled body. He still kept my hand tight in his like he thought I was going to run away as soon as he turned his back. Whichwas a good guess if I was so scared of those wild eyes Bruce had locked on me. Its been almost two years since I have been this close to werewolves, and nothing changed. To them I was nothing and as treated as such and of course punished for speaking out of turn. This pack was no different than my Father’s pack.

The only difference was this boy, no matter what insults I fly his way he just brushes them off with a smile, never raising a hand towards me and now was protecting me form this raging beast. No matter the authority the boy had, Bruce was strong and fighting it. The boy was losing. I had barely any warning when Bruce gathered his legs under him and lunged at us.

My training automatically kicked in, training that I haven’t used and tried to forget about for the last two years. I was prepared to grab the boy and get us out of the way of his lunged but before the thought even formed fully in my mind something sailed past me as if riding the wind. Whatever, or whoever, it was caught Bruce by the throat and slammed him to the floor on his back, forcing him into a submissive position; a position and wolf as dominate as Bruce was would hate to be in.

“You dare attack my guest in my own house?” he roared. The air grew thick with the power of the wolf’s dominance so much that I nearly choked on it. This was the power of an Alpha werewolf and a very strong one. I couldn’t take my eyes off the man who pinned an enraged phased werewolf to the floor with one hand without breaking a sweat. He leaned in close to Bruce and growled in his face until Bruce lowered his eyes, completely showing his submission to the Alpha that held him in a death grip.

“Jack. Brain.” The Alpha called in a low measured voice. He may seem furious but unlike Bruce, he was in complete control of his inner wolf.  

Two wolves rounded the corner not a moment later after being summoned by their Alpha. They both bowed their heads to the side acknowledging him in a respectful manner. Silently they stood side by side awaiting the Alphas orders, eyes never wavering from him. They looked like brothers; both had the same dirty blond hair and pale green eyes that unnerved me.

“Take him to the basement, seems it is time to remind him of his place and that my orders are law on these lands.” Jack and Brain nodded, moving forward as one to secured Bruce and drag him off the way they had come, to what I assumed was the basement.

The Alpha straightened but kept his back to us until Bruce was long out of sight. Finally he turned to face us. He was handsome I suppose with brown hair like the boys with dark eyes almost to the point of blackness in the dimly lit hallway were we all stood silently.

“Father.” The boy said. So he was the Alphas son, I guess that makes sense. That also means he may be alpha one day once he finds his mate and starts a family. No wolf however strong as the right to become alpha without showing the pack that he himself as a strong family which includes having an heir to begin to train to follow in his footsteps. “That was not necessary but I thank you regardless for your help.” He said and then stepped back to my side so I was no longer hidden behind him. “This is Casee, the girl I told you about that. The one that…upset Bruce.”  

“A small thing like that pissed Bruce off that much?” The Alpha asked in disbelief, eyebrows shooting to his hairline. I felt his gaze assess me, while I dropped my eyes to my feet. First rule when in the presents of an alpha, never meet their eyes. To them it’s a challenge and most will attack without warning, I have seen my father do as such to any wolf who dared meet his eyes even for a second. That included me.

“She may be small but she’s damn feisty Dad.” The boy said with a chuckle.

“Well lets go talk in my office, so we can speak in private.” Alpha said inclining his head toward the direction he had came from. I followed behind the boy all the while keeping my gaze locked on the floor and my mouth shut tight. I kept my expression blank and tried to tie up my emotions so neither of the wolves would smell my fear. I ran away and stayed away from werewolves for a reason, their hostility being one of the big ones. The boy, who still held my hand in his, began rubbing soft circles on my wrist, he could sense that I was frightened. I gulped hoping the Alpha who now walked ahead of us did not.  

The Alpha stopped at a set of double doors and pushed them open to reveal a large office. There were shelves of books running along the walls from floor to ceiling. A dark cherry red stained desk dominated the end of the room, back with a large window that showed the moonlight shinning.

The Alpha moved to sit behind his desk, reclining back in the cushioned power chair. He motioned for us to take a seat on one of the couches. The leather felt cool through my thin silk pajama pants. I tried to put some distance between the boy and I, whose name I still do not know, but he was being difficult. He still hadn’t let go of my hand through the whole encounter with Bruce. I had given up trying to pry my hand away, he had made it pretty clear that he would let me go when he wanted. So for now I was stuck being attached to a filthy mutt.

“Casee,” The Alpha said addressing me. “I am Charles Alpha of the North-Western Pack. I see you have already met my son Seth.” So Seth was his name. It fits him nicely. “Now that we all know each other, let’s get to the point.  How do you smell like a human, look like a human, but can keep up with Seth of all people and heal at an supernatural rate?”

“What do you mean ‘keep up with Seth of all people’?” I asked trying to avoid the topic of my origin.

“I’m a moon born wolf. Do you know what that is?” I did but I shook my head no to keep in talking on this subject. “When a wolf is born on the night of a full moon he or she will develop special..abilities after their first shift. It varys from person to person. Some have mental abilities such as telekinesis or visions of the future. Others have more physical gifts such, as strength or in my case speed. In human form I can keep up and sometimes out run other wolves in their wolf form, but on four legs it’s almost as if I teleport from one place to another. I just think of where I want to go and before I, or anyone else, knows I’m there.” Seth explained. So that’s why he was so fast and caught up to me when I tried to run.

“Yes, so you know see why we are so curious as to what you are. I as an Alpha can hardly keep up with the boy in my wolf form yet you could and on only two legs. Mind explaining that?” His tone left no room for argument. The air was thick with power as I thought over my response. I couldn’t tell them. I would never be free if I told them. Things would be the same as my father’s pack. I a slave, them the masters. No I would die before I let myself fall to that again!

“No.” I said in the strongest voice I could muster, glad that it didn’t break as I spoke. I lifted my chin high and for the first time, met Alpha Charles’s eyes.

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