The Wolves in the Woods Chapter 23- A Miracle

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Hey guys I finally got my mojo back! 





  The double doors of Charles’ office were beginning to be far too familiar for my comfort. But it was necessary to inform the Alpha that he had enemy wolves on his land. I was definitely not his favorite person around here; it was like every time he saw me it was to be deliver bad or worse news. It’s a miracle he hasn’t killed me yet. 

A miracle named Seth, my mind whispered making my lips twitch in a small smile.

“Enter.” Charles’ deep voice pulled me from my thoughts. I hadn’t even noticed Seth knocking on the door requesting entrance. 

Seth and I walked into the office together, hands clasped between us. This time I didn’t fight the warmth that spread from his fingers to mine. I found comfort in his strength and protection by his side.

“Did you two have a good trip today?” Charles asked us, casually reclining in his plush chair.

“Yes I got lots of new things and won’t have to be stealing and destroying Fate’s clothes anymore.” I told the Alpha.

“Don’t think that that will free you have dress up doll status.” Charles said with a genuine smile.

“Oh I have no doubt.” I said with a small chuckle. Fate really needed a little sister or something and I guess for now I was that ‘something’.

“It wasn’t until we were leaving that we ran into some…trouble.” Seth interjected apparently wanting to get straight to the point.

“What kind of trouble?” Charles asked all sign of smiles gone.

“Jeremy and Mike were waiting for us in the parking lot. They wanted us to know that they were watching us and we could do nothing about it.” Seth growled out. I could feel the grip he had on my hand tighten, if I had been human there would have been broken fingers, but  I am not human so the most damage may be some bruises that will heal in a few hours at the most.   

“There still in the territory!” Charles snarled rising quickly from his seat and slamming his hands down on the desk.

“I told you that they were the best at what they do and in a territory as large as yours the number of hiding places they have it endless.” I told his keeping my eyes lowered and my voice respectful.  

“Yes you have told me this before. You said it was just the two of them?” He asked looking back to Seth.

“Yes, they were on us before I could even scent them.” He replied with a rumble on his chest that I could feel with how closely I was standing to him. 

“Okay if it is just two wolves then we shouldn’t have to worry. Two tracker wolves are no great threat.” Charles said almost to himself than to us.

“Actually Alpha there could be more.” I said in a small voice.

Charles’ head snapped to face mine and I made sure that my eyes were firmly planted on my converse.

“What do you mean there could be more?” He said in an almost deadly whisper.

“Jeremy and Mike’s gifts don’t stop at just tracking and hiding their own scents, they can cover other wolf’s scents too. Not many, maybe two or three others between the two of them. It has only been a little over two days since I found the letter from my father. If I don’t come to him then he will try to remove me by force, if he does he will go about it smartly through. It is possible that he is having Jeremy and Mike bringing small groups of the Pack into your territory and hiding their scents in a location to await further orders.” I explained.  

“What would these ‘further orders’ be?” Charles asked sitting back in his seat and giving me his full attention.

“If I know my father, the hidden wolves would act as a strike team. Most likely another group from the Pack will attack somewhere at the boarders to distract you and send your forces to deal with that threat, allowing the strike team to move in on the house while it has less protection.” I could picture my father making these plans and knew almost without a doubt that it was his first plan of action in taking me back.

“How soon do you think he will attack?” Seth asked me from my side. I looked up at him and into his stormy grey eyes filled with rage, then fear, and somewhere beneath all that was an emotion that I couldn’t identify but made my heart swell.

“That depends on how many wolves they have already gathered for the strike team. They will need at least ten to fifteen wolves to take the house even with most of the fighters at the boarders, and all those wolves will have to stay in the hidden location so that their scents won’t travel on the wind. But having that many dominate wolves in one place too long without their Alpha to keep control can only last for so long before they start fighting among themselves.” I said trying to keep my voice steady. Even though I never met many of my father’s wolves I knew that to be in his Pack meant that you were a bloodthirsty animal and the thought of ten or more of them in the territory somewhere that we couldn’t find scared the crap out of me.  

Seth must have sensed my fear because he pulled me in close to him, still holding my hand with one of his and wrapped the other tight around my waist. His scent enveloped me in a cocoon of the forest after it rained. It surrounded me like a barrier, stopping all the bad things from coming near. It smelled like home should smell I realized, like safety and happiness. It smelled like Seth.

“You guys go, I will alert the fighters and make sure that all the precautions are taken. If Casee thinks of any more details just tell me via mind link okay son?” Charles said gently.

I felt more then heard Seth nod his head at his father. He released the arm around my waist but kept my hand lock in his as he led me from the room. This time when he lead me through the maze of hallways I knew for sure that we weren’t going back to my room, the Saveroom, but to another slightly familiar hallway. It took me until he opened a door to realize that we were in his bedroom. It looked the exact same as it did the only other time I had seen it. I guess that made sense, Seth hadn’t been in here to move anything for the past few days.

The floor was covered in clothes thrown this way and that, but other than that it wasn’t that bad for a boy’s room. Seth closed the door gently behind us and walked me to the bed where he sat down and pulled me onto his lap. At first I thought he was trying to make a move on me, that was defiantly something I wasn’t ready for, I had barely acknowledged the attraction I felt for him! But he just held me close and I tucked my small body into his large one.

We sat like that for a long time in silence. Occasionally he was rub small circles on my back or stroke my hair. I thought about all that had happened since Seth found me and brought me here. I thought about the letter that my father left for me and how scared I was if he stole me back. But it wasn’t a fear the torture and pain that I would endure if I was taken, I was scared of leaving Seth. Besides Joecee he was the only one who ever cared about me and I will be damned if I left him go while there is breath in my body.

We sat there in silence, lost in our own thoughts until I broke us free with three small words, “What’s a mate?”   

Just so you all know next chapter will get a little steamy but not more then PG-13 so for all of you who have been just itching for Seth ans Casee to kiss it is almost here!

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